the voices of my country

  • The Voice of Poland


    Władysław Bełza – ,,Wyznanie wiary dziecięcia polskiego”


    - Kto ty jesteś?
    - Polak mały.

    - Jaki znak twój?
    - Orzeł biały.

    - Gdzie ty mieszkasz?
    - Między swemi.

    - W jakim kraju?
     W polskiej ziemi.

    - Czym ta ziemia?
    - Mą ojczyzną.

    - Czym zdobyta?
    - Krwią i blizną.

    - Czy ją kochasz?
    - Kocham szczerze.

    - A w co wierzysz?
    - W Polskę wierzę.

    - Czym ty dla niej?
    - Wdzięczne dziecię

    - Coś jej winien?
    - Oddać życie."



    Władysław Bełza – The profession of faith of the Polish little child”


    Who are you?
    A Polish child.


    What’s your emblem?
    The eagle in white.

    Where’s your home?
    With my loved ones.


    In what country?
    In the Polish land.

    What the land is?
    My beloved home.


    How was it won?
    By scar and bloody yomp.

    Do you love Her?
    With my heart and soul.


    What do you trust in?
    In Poland – as a whole.

    What are you?
    Her grateful kid.


    What should you do for Her?
    To lay down my life indeed.

     & The voice of Romania

                            Somnoroase păsărele

                                             Mihai Eminescu



                            Somnoroase păsărele

                            Pe la cuiburi se adună,

                            Se ascund în rămurele –

                            Noapte bună!


                            Doar izvoarele suspină,

                            Pe când codrul negru tace;

                            Dorm şi florile-n grădină –

                            Dormi în pace!


                            Trece lebăda pe ape

                            Între trestii să se culce –

                            Fie-ţi îngerii aproape,

                            Somnul dulce!


                            Peste-a nopţii feerie

                            Se ridică mândra lună,

                            Totu-i vis şi armonie –

                            Noapte bună!



    Sleepy Birds


    Mihai Eminescu


    All those sleepy birds

    Now tired from flight

    Hide among the leaves



    Only the spring whispers

    When the wood sleeps silently;

    Even flowers in the gardens

    Sleep peacefully!


    Swans glide to their nest

    Sheltering among the reeds

    May angels guard your rest,

    Sweet dreams!


    Above a night of sorcery

    Comes the moon's graceful light,

    All is peace and harmony





  • videos and pictures

    The Romanian team
    The Polish Team
    The Portuguese team
    The Spanish team
    the French team
    Romanian Christmas Carols

    Songs and carols

    Romanian poem

    Mihai Eminescu