• Trip to La Reunion: exploring heritage!

    On our way!
    Our Erasmus group under a Waterfall
    Learning about religions in la Reunion
    Group chilling out!
    by the lighthouse
    Le barachois: canons to protect from an English invasion!!!
    At the botanical garden
    Going past the sugar cane factory
    Religions living harmoniously together: the amazing view from the Chinese temple
    The Mosque in Saint Pierre
    The impressive Narassinga Peroumal temple in Saint Pierre
    playing time...
    Getting to learn about another religion
    Working hard..
    The programme

    Day 1: arrival
    Day 2: the Maryen Peroumal Hindu temple and the botanical garden in Saint André , the "Niagara waterfall" on the way back and the lighthouse in Sainte Suzanne
    Day 3: The mosque in Saint Pierre, the Narassinga Peroumal temple, the market and the Guan Di temple
    Day 4: Day in the family
    Day 5: Day at school
    7:30-9:30: in class
    9:30-11:30: introduction to traditional music
    1 pm to 3 pm : working on the project:
    History of Reunion Island
    Day 6: At the volcano
    Day 7: At school
    7:30-9:30 in class
    9:30 to 11:30 working on the project with an art workshop
    1:30 to 4:30 disco at school
    Day 8: return trip

    Monday working at school

    A homemade trivial pursuit...

    Monday at school

    singing a maloya

    Monday at school

    Test your knowledge!

    Monday at school

    Not so easy!

    Monday at school

    Amazing Barclay!

    Monday at school

    Unesco and dates...

    Monday at school

    The Maloya experience...


    7:30-8:30 Homemade Trivial Pursuit vith the Erasmus group
    8:30 - 9:30 in class
    9:30 - 11:30 with the music teacher
    11:30 - 12:00 lunch at the canteen
    12:00 - 13:00 playing frisbee
    13:00 - 14:30 La Reunion and historical landmarks
    14:30 - 16:00 Synthesizing what we've learnt on religions during the Friday and Saturday outings


    Historical Landmarks and saying dates...


    harder faster stronger


    Who is losing his French accent???


    Any dentist appointment ahead???


    Talking about the Brexit


    And the five pillars of Islam are...


    Well done Sam!


    Debating and wondering...


    Hard to remember!


    Working together, helping each other, it seems so natural!


    Many religions and so many gods, and yet!

    Wednesday Art Workshop

    work of art group 1

    Wednesday Art Workshop

    Work of art group 3

    Wednesday Art Workshop

    Today the pupils had to do a collaborative work of art in groups of 4: they had to send a peace message without words representing Reunion Island and the four religions studied so far.

    Wednesday Art Workshop

    Work of art group 2

    Wednesday Art Workshop

    Work of art group 4 third in the competition, well done!

    Wednesday Art Workshop

    Work of Art group 5 video 2

    Wednesday Art Workshop

    Work of art group 5 the second best in the competition well done!
    video 1

    Wednesday Art Workshop

    Work of art group 6: the winners of the competition! Great work!!!

    Wednesday afternoon

    And finally the disco to end this week of intensive work and exchange.

    Wednesday afternoon

    our beloved DJ

    Wednesday Afternoon

    No longer French or English and all in tune!