Nice to meet you

  • Here we will introduce ourselves. We will put the new content at the top of the page.


    Nice to meet you dear partners!
    We are "Bees" from Kindergarten nr 65 in Katowice in Poland.
    Hello Barbara and "Tuptusie" - we are not so far away you, only about 20 km. /Beata/

    Something about us here

    Dear Bees and Beata, we are happy to meet you! /Mila/


    Hello, we are from Kindergarten nr 2, Lędziny, Poland. Our group is called "Tuptusie" which means that we like doing a bit of stamping. Nice to meet you all, dear partners! /Barbara/

    It's also a short presentation of our kindrgarten /Barbara/

    Hello Barbara, hello dear friends! We are happy to meet you! /Mila/



    Made with Padlet

    Here are short presentation on kindergarten Nasa radost

     Kindergarten Nasa radost, Serbia /Olga/

    Look presentacion for our kindergarten. /Mila/

    Kindergarten ''Dora Gabe'', Bulgaria


    Hello, we are from kindergarten Nasa radost from Aleksandrovac, Serbia

    Hello, we are group "Winnie the Pooh". We are from Bulgaria. Nice to meet you!


    This is our room.

    We are ready for games!