Finger games with the parents

  • Here we will share project activities with parents.

    Our finger games with parents during Parents Day. Children were very happy. /Beata/

    Parents chose to sing this song with their children. This is a version of the English song "Where is Thumbkin?"

    Where is Thumbkin? Where is Thumbkin?
    Here I am! Here I am!
    How are you today, sir?Very well, I thank you.
    Run away.  Run away.
    Where is Pointer? Where is Pointer?
    Here I am! Here I am!
    How are you today, sir? Very  well, I thank you.
    Run away.  Run away.
    Where is Middleman? Where is Middleman?
    Here I am! Here I am!
    How are you today, sir? Very well, I thank you.
    Run away.  Run away.
    Where is Ringman? Where is Ringman?
    Here I am! Here I am!
    How are you today, sir? Very well, I thank you.
    Run away.  Run away.
    Where is Pinkie? Where is Pinkie?
    Here I am! Here I am!
    How are you today, sir? Very well, I thank you.
    Run away.  Run away

    And the same, in serbian language

    We played folk games and sang songs with the parents /Mila/

    We asked the parents to outline the child's hand and create images - family, animals, fish, hen, etc. /Mila/

    Before Christmas there was an Open Day in our group and the parents played some finger games with their children /Barbara/

    It's my translation of this game:

    The children were playing, were playing with their fingers,

    As the first one can't manage, the second one can help it.

    The children were playing, were playing with their fingers,

    As the second one can't manage, the third one can help it.

    The children were playing, were playing with their fingers,

    As the third one can't manage, the fourth one can help it.

    The children were playing, were playing with their fingers,

    As the fourth one can't manage, the fifth one can help it.

    The children were playing, were playing with their fingers,

    As the fifth one can't manage, then nothing can help them.

    Mummy, mummy!

    What, what,what?

    The guests are going,

    Than what!

    Good morning, good morning.

    Kiss, kiss kiss

    We have very similar song like our froends from Ledziny, Poland /Olga/

    Mummy, mummy!

    What, what ?

    The guests arrive,

    Let them in!

    Good afternoon, good afternoon!

    Kiss, kiss, kiss