We learn from each other

  • Here we will share the finger games we have learned from our partners.

    Polish children sing a song of Mila's pupils "A little house for Winnie" - my children like it very much and me too /Beata/

    It is our version of Mila's "counting game", our children like it very much /Barbara/

    Dear, Barbara, I'm glad you learned our game! Congratulations! /Mila/

    We tried to learn the game "Family members" of Olga's children. /Mila/

    Inspired by Mila's song and game about the house, "A little house for Winnie",   we created our own. We named it " A little house for Teddy bear" . Thank you for inspiration/Olga/

    I'll make a little house for Teddy bear
    Knock - knock, knock - knock.
    A little house!
    I'll make a little window for Teddy Bear
    Knock - knock, knock - knock
    A little window
    I'll make a little door for Teddy Bear
    Knock - knock, knock - knock
    A little door
    I'll make little chair for Teddy bear
    Knock - knock, knock - knock.
    A little chair!
    I'll make a little table for Teddy bear
    Knock - knock, knock - knock.
    A little table!
    'll make a little bed for Teddy bear
    Knock - knock, knock - knock.
    A little bed!
    I'll make a little pillow for Teddy Bear
    Knock - knock, knock - knock
    A little pillow

    We tried to learn Olga's game for the names of the fingers. /Mila/