
  • There were six international teams worked together during the 2nd short - term exchange of the groups of the pupils.

    Each team consist of four pupils from Slovakia, Spain, Italy and Germany.

    Here are their main outputs from the mobility.

    Six international teams = six e_Magazines

    Team No. 1

    The main crop for this team was ONION and here is their e_Magazine

    Team No. 2

    The main crop of the international team No.2 was LETTUCE

    Team No. 3

    International team number team looked for information about CARROT and also prepared salad contained carrot as the main ingredient.

    Team No. 4

    The main ingredient and crop for team No. 4 was KOHLRABI

    Team No. 5

    The international team No.5 focused their activities and eMagazine on RADISH

    Team No. 6

    Last but not least the main crop for the international team No. 6 was CABBAGE