Final Project Evaluation

  • And now comes the time when we have to start wrapping it all up. Can't help feeling a bit sad it's over, but let's think about all the wonderful things we did.

    Here's the students' evaluation.


    The 10th graders of Escola Secundária Emídio Garcia also created a google form with different questions. Here it is. If you click the link below you can see all he responses.

    Students assessment form

    The results really made me happy. 61 students answered the survey, which was anonymous, and it is amazing to see that the students 'favourite activities were Tell me your story (33), Writing Poetry (23), The Book (21) and Poems Presentations (18). 

    A large number of students found the project fun, creative and motivating among many other positive adjectives. Some also referred it needed effort and it was a bit time-consuming and stressful because of all the activities it involved.

    As for what the project enabled them to do, it was gratifying to see that more than 80% of the students consider the project allowed them to use English in real situations, to know more about literature, to develop their reading, writing, pronunciation, critical thinking and other cross-curricular skills, to use digital tools, to learn about copyright and to improve their performance in the English class. More than 90% referred that the project allowed them to use English in a different context, to develop their vocabulary and their creativity, while working collaboratively and learning in a fun and motivating way.

    They also gave me some interesting ideas for topics for our next project!

    Teachers' Assessment

    It seems students weren't the only ones enjoying the project: teachers did too. We struggled a bit with time because there were many things we would like to have done and couldn't because there'a a curriculum to teach and secondary school atudents are particularly worried about marks and exams. Some of us would also have liked to have more face-to-face contact among students. Our next project will have to make sure of that. However, we all think the result was really positive!