Tell me your story

  • We're going to read stories in English or in our native language presenting them in the most creative way!

    Portugal - Bragança- JI2 - Centro Escolar Da Sé


    Portugal - Bragança- Escola Emídio Garcia

    Death by scrabble 2, 11C

    The Story Teller, 11C

    Death by scrabble, 11C

    Elephants, bananas and aunty Ethel, 11C

    Portugal- Bragança-Escola Paulo Quintela

    Some of our 6th graders presented their readings to the 4 years old kids. It was a success for both groups.

    PORTUGAL - Bragança

    Work based on an extract of Junk by Melvin Burgess

    Death by scrabble by Charlie Fish

    Work based on an extract from The true diary of a part time Indian by Sherman Alexie

    Work based on an extract from Slam by Nick Hornby

    Death by Scrabble by Charlie Fish

    The strap box flyer by Paul Jennings

    Work based on an extract of Sara's face by Melvin Burgess

    The story teller by Saki

    Work based on an extract of Kill all enemies by Melvin Burgess

    Madeira - Gonçalves Zarco School

    POLAND - we have started working on the texts. Here is the video made by Pola and Ania (with a help of their rat) who present you 'Mouse!...' by Louise Cooper.


    ITALY - LIBRIAMOCI 2018 (October 22nd to October 27th)

    Libriamoci - reading days in the schools  is the 5th edition of an event promoted by the Italian Ministry of education. A whole week devoted to reading, especially reading aloud.

    On October 25th our 7th grade students are meeting primary school children (aged 6) to tell them short stories aloud. We've selected the topic " reading as freedom" - freedom of action, thought and expression.