... what is in the box?

  • ONLY FOR TEACHERS - don't make this page visible for TS members!!!

    The real content of each box in the classroom: 

    • USB key with files: school_location.doc, students.jpg/.avi (or link to jigsawpuzzle), information.ppt, national_anthem.mp3, national_anthem.txt, interestings.doc,
    • letters of the country name (cut out from the file country.pdf - in random order)
    • printed pictures-photos from the sent file school.pdf (for posterwall)
    • link to Twinspace - printed table  with coded text  via the CardanGrille*
    • 3D printed CardanGrille: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2412248 
    • postcard from city / area
    • candies made in the country / small presents
    • access for each student (login, password) - printed

    *The text coded via CardanGrille (100 letters - like a place in the CardanGrille - 25 holes used on 4-times clockwise rotation):

    " If you can read this text - you f
    ounded the correct way to deco
    de this address https://twin
    space.etwinning.net/70224 "