A magazine to talk about our great project!
- collaborate
- remember and sum up
- think and realize
- go further
- advertise our project
- be proud of our work
- keep a memorable souvenir
- let's create pages to explain our project;
- let's share our wishes for a better future.
- let's illustrate our magazine with personal illustrations.
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As I had some difficulties saving the editorial text on madmagz, here it is:
The young generation has grown up in a united Europe with peace, with a common currency in many countries, without frontiers to cross. The young ones take this for granted although this was not always the case. After 1945 it took till the 1960s to create real friendship between the peoples of Western Europe. Later on, Southern and Northern Europe also became part of this great adventure and Eastern Europe could only join in after tearing down the Iron Curtain.
We are to remember the past when we want to understand the present and we need to create friendship and to network in the present to overcome the challenges of the future. Noone can tackle the climate changes all alone. Noone can protect the environment on his own. In a globalized world the problems are global, too.
That is why schools in France (Collège du Fiumorbu), Germany (St.-Irmengard-Gymnasium) and Ukraine (Marhanets educational complex № 10) started the eTwinning project „Europe – Yesterday – Today – Tomorrow“. We wanted to remember the past as it is taught in our schools, to create friendships using language learning and writing letters and to create awareness for the problems of the future singing our own song.
Christiane Eichel (St.-Irmengard-Gymnasium, Germany)
Please feel free to edit the text.
Some Ideas from Ukraine!
Teamwork during the project seems like a simple concept to implement in Ss` learning process. The partners discuss tasks that need to be done, who will do them, and they are off and running. However, the reality is that teamwork skills require work. The partners` collaboration is another hot topic today - most young people assume that collaboration is simply another way of saying teamwork. But the difference between the two is not just matter of language.
This project helped the Ss explore teamwork and collaboration: what they are exactly, how they differ, and how they compare to a few other similar terms, doing different kinds of activities due to the very important subject. The Ss discuss why workplace failures happen, why you should have strong communication, and why having a collaborative relationship is important for them and their clear understanding the project subject and aims. Then, they figure out what you need to do before considering collaboration and explain each other how to collaborate well and foster teamwork to do all the activities perfectly. Finally, they can get in-depth advice on fostering teamwork and collaboration from their own experts. It`s a great joy!
Yana Tsykunkova. Ukraine. Educational Complex-Specialized Secondary School 10.
Online Magazine link : https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/62713498/teamwork-in-the-project