"By words we learn thoughts, and by thoughts we learn life."- Jean Baptiste Girard
- find useful words to express yourself according to a topic
- word building in English
- the power of right words
- steps for inspiring song writing
Before the scene, before the paragraph, even before the sentence, comes the word. Individual words and phrases are the building blocks of fiction, the genes that generate everything else. Use the right words and your song can blossom. The French have a phrase for it—le mot juste— the exact right word in the exact right position.
The right connotation : All words have connotations, or a collection of social significances attached to them, as well as denotations. ( heavy emotional baggage, an entire way of life, past events...)
Even daily words carry connotations. How does a woman feel about being called “slim”? How about “skinny”? Not the same!
The right impression: Good writers are constantly aware of the impression each word carries.( point of view, feelings, intentions...)
The right intelligibility.
The right specifics: Readers want to visualize your story as they read it. The more exact words you give them, the more clearly they see it, smell it, hear it, taste it. Thus, a dog should be an “Airedale,” not just a “dog.” A taste should not be merely “good” but “creamy and sweet” But be careful of mental indigestion if too specific!
Will choosing the exact word, the connotative word, the intelligible word, the temporally right word automatically make your song great? No, of course not. There are still other important steps to work on!