3. Logo contest!

  • Definition: logo

    (lgoʊ )

    Word forms: plural logos countable noun

    The logo of a company or organization is the special design or way of writing its name that it puts on all its products, notepaper, or advertisements.

    How to design a logo in 5 steps:   

    A logo consists of two elements: A wordmark and a symbol.

    1. Understand why you need a logo, determine the primary function of your logo.
    2. Plan before you start designing your logo
      • Define your project goals, themes
      • Brainstorm words that describe our project
      • Find inspiration
      • Your logo needs to be flexible. Not only is your logo potentially going to be used on various mediums, such as online, on print, or on fabric.
    3. Design your logo (manual or digital)
      • Choose your design style, shape
      • sketch your logo: do you want an icon?
      • Find the right type of logo
      • Pay attention to color:
      • Red: energetic, sexy, bold

      • Orange: creative, friendly, youthful

      • Yellow: sunny, inventive, optimism

      • Green: growth, organic, instructional

      • Blue: professional, medical, tranquil, trustworthy

      • Purple: spiritual, wise, evocative

      • Black: credible and powerful

      • White: simple, clean, pure

      • Pink: fun and flirty

      • Brown: rural, historical, steady

      • Pick the right typography / font: Know when to use serif, sans serif, and scripts accordingly. Serif looks tasteful. Sans serif look clean and modern. Script is tricky and has a lot of personality, but using it well might not always be easy.
      • It must look great on different backgrounds and flexible in size.
    4. Navigate the design process
      • Communicate with your teachers
      • Evaluate your logo options
    5. Use your logo.