Here are the photos with guessed names
1. Bukowa-Krośnica class5&7. We corected our mistakes
Hello partners from Bukowa,
There is one mistake because only 1 Patrycja is in our group:) Try again:)
Regards from Krośnica
Now it is Well done!
Regards from Krośnica
2. Bukowa - Bełchatów
3. Krośnica class 5&7 - Udanin
According to plan students from Krośnica have to guess who is who from Udanin.
Is it ok? Yes, it's PERFECT!
Regards from Krośnica
Udanin guessed the names of the students from Krośnica. Are they ok ?
Well done group from Udanin.
etwinners from Krośnica
Dębie hat die Namen der Gruppe aus Krośnica 6 Klasse erraten. Ist alles korrekt?