Dissemination outcome

  • All partners will make a collaborative final outcome like a film, an article in a school newspaper or a collaborative poster.

    Here is a collaborative comic, drawn by 11th Primary school Chanion, written by the rest schools





    Two articles for eTwinning in our school newspaper

    GREECE - 4th Primary School of Petroupolis "Ioannis Kapodistrias"

    On the 4th of June our class put on a school performance at the Cultural Centre of Petroupolis.


    The play was totally based on a script written by the students. It was  a story of four children refugees, the main characters of the books the students had already read, enriched with their own thoughts and emotions.The students had expressed these thoughts and emotions in the diaries they had written when they put themselves in the place of a refugee


    At this event our new friends ,children refugees from the NGO ARSIS came with their mothers and their interpreter, participated in the school performance presenting children's rights as well as the common drawings we made at the Municipal Market in Kypseli.Finally, our new friends invited us to their "home" ARSIS to play together and get to know each other better . Students with their parents and teachers accepted the invitation and the meeting took place on June 21st after schools have closed for summer.

    Everyone was waiting for us neatly dressed. The children were looking forward to playing with our students and their mothers ready to offer us the treats they had prepared  and have a discussion with us.Time flew away pleasantly with a lot of games,food, tea and chatting with the help of the interpreter and the social worker. Before leaving we renewed our meeting for the beginning of September when we are going to have a big celebtation along with the opening of schools. What is more, we are going to cook and eat together enjoying intercultural cuisine. 





    To ensure the dissemination of the project results also outside our school, during the years several multimedia products were created and were shared with a wider audience (colleagues, parents and the territory).
    Specifically, "The refugee. What do children think? ", virtual wall that collects the answers and drawings of the children about their idea of refugee, the ebook "Crossing the sea", video...


    Crossing the sea. A story of friendship

    Furthermore, on May 22nd, the classes involved in the project were the protagonists of a show on the theme of hospitality and inclusion of diversity.
    The script entirely invented by teachers and children tells the story of three aliens who land on unknown planets, meet new friends, discovering the value of friendship, respect, solidarity and equal opportunities.
    At the end of the presentation, the path developed within the project was illustrated and shared with the parents.


    At the end of the project, Our elder students say "we burst into tears every time.. We could be in their position at any time as well. So please help them they are like everyone else they are human beings and they are in need. Do everything you can to make their lives better. Stop the hate. We are all humans." We prepared a short video just to show a bit of our project activities and take attention to the PEACE OF WORLD FOR CHILDREN.


    THANKS ...