Quality Labels and prizes

  • This project has received the following Quality Labels and prizes:


    Quality Label for Steeton School, UK.
    The assessor commented: "It's great to see the growth of your skills continuing with technology and project management. The pupil logons this time have provided a new opportunity for them to become more involved in the project. The use of video calls to bring them together with their partners 'live' is, without doubt in my mind, the best way to facilitate interaction between the children because it's real, exciting and while scripted to a degree offers the chance for spontaneous fun."

    UK national eTwinning awards

    Mrs Linford at Steeton School received a Highly Commended award at the national prize ceremony in June 2018 for this project.


    Here is an article about our success in gaining Highly Commended Awards for our Christmas project and the eTwinning School Awards at Steeton Primary and Eastburn JI Schools, published in our local paper the Craven Herald on 5 July 2018.



    European Quality Labels: