Letter "B"

  • Byzantine Museum, Athens


    The National Byzantine and Christian Museum is in the centre of Athens. It was built in 1914, where the Palace of the Duchess of Plakentia was located up until then.

    The museum depicts the history of the Byzantine Empire which was created in 324 A.D., when Istanbul was founded by the Emperor Constantine the Great.

    In the Byzantine Museum, we can find art collections and masterpieces of art from the Byzantine era and culture. The collections include Byzantine icons, paintings, sculptures, murals, ceramics, silk fabrics and manuscripts (about 25,000 exhibits).

    The Byzantine mosaics are among the most impressive exhibits in the museum.



    ​In Italy there are very beautiful beaches, for example in Sardinia.                     

    The most beautiful beaches are those with white sand!

    There are pink beaches like this in Budelli (Sardinia) ... 

    ​... and black beaches like in Vulcano island, in Sicily.




    The following images are from basketball training during physical education class.


    Good guys!!!!