Christmas Carol- Breaking Point





    I guess I have 4-5 breaking points in my life. First when I decided to play violin my life changed I started to listen everything properly and it made me happy and cautious about everything around me.Then I watched Sherlock Holmes's episodes and It changed my life positively because Sherlock and his behaviours impressed me much. Also I think I dont have bad beaking point in my life because when bad thing happens I always try to change it and make it positive in my life. 



    When I was eight  joined  a choir called TRT Child Choir. My mum leaded me about joining there. I went and sang in there during five years. It learnt me too many things... For example real dicipline,real friendship and obviously voice techniques. Another breaking point is my brother Ege's birth.        I love him so much we spent really good and funny times. . And I think these are the most important breaking points in my life.



    Every time read a book and watch a movie İt chages my life.Because ıt changes how I see the life so I can talk about my favourite books and movies I guess.My favourite movie is Harry Potter I know it's something that cannot be real but It showed me that real friendship is important. And there is last book that I've read the Great Gatsby. It has a great intelligence on it. I can say that It has showed me how a person can be blind when he is in love.



    There were so many break points in my life that shoked me completely. but the last one was a month ago. I was not paying attention to my lessons and that carelessness affected my everyday life. I lost my purposes in my life and when I failed in Maths, I saw what my life has become. I pulled myself together and started studying. At first I was mad at my teacher but now I am thankful for that. 



    One of the most important things in my life is writing, it is something I have always loved to do. Reading books have inspired me more than anything so I have always admired people who got to express their emotions in such an elegant way. In some point of my life, almost 5 years ago, I made some friends who had blogs that they published their amatuer books in and they encouraged me to write one; it then turned into many. None of them were excellent and they had many mistakes in them but they made me the person who I am today.

    Irmak Küçükoba-TURKEY


    For some people, leaving the neighbourhood that you spent your childhood is one of the hardest things. I think I'm one of these people who thinks alike. A few years ago, my family and I moved from the house we have lived eight years for. I had left all of my friends, and changed my school. It was so hard for me. Because I was a withdrawn person who can't even talk to strangers properly, so I couldn't make new friends at school for about a month. But then, I became bolder, and more sociable person who has no problem with being outgoing. So, that was the breaking point of my life, and made me who I am.

    Zeynep İsmihan AVŞAR - TURKEY


    Two years ago, I moved Istanbul from Ankara and it was really different situation for me. Although Ankara is the capital city of Turkey, Istanbul is more crowded and harder to live than in Ankara. It took some time to get used to it, but I don't have any regrets about my decision. I hope I'll never have any. 



    To be honest I've had so many breaking points in my life. The most recent effective one was our fight with my best friend. She was more than a friend to me. But she was being selfish and she was only thinking herself. So we stopped seeing each other for a year. A couple weeks ago she called me to offer a meeting. I agreed and we met. I don't know what will happen but I know that I'm not broken or anything.

    Melisa TOZUN - TURKEY 


    For me, the biggest breaking point in my life was when I went to Imagine Dragons' concert. It was the best and happiest memory of my life. The area was huge, it was the Olympic Stadium and the concert was the band's biggest event. And when I heard the bass drop, amazing drums, guitar and bass solos, singer's amazing voice have really touched my heart. And with the people I was surrounded with... It made me feel like I was a tiny fish in an ocean. But I didn't feel lonely at all. In fact, it made me understand my feelings and who I truly am and understand how unique I am. I understood how to become "one" I felt important there, I have never felt this way before. It made me so happy. And I don't think I will ever forget that feeling.



    When I first started high school, I had a lot of changes. I had a lot of responsibilities and it made me more mature. I made friends that I will never lose. The lessons have become more difficult but I enjoyed it at the same time. Philosophy lessons have changed my point of view. I have joined many social activities. High school has affected my life very positively.



    At the beginning of my freshman year, I had depersonalization disorder. It was really tough for me. Then I started going to a psychologist. I started to take medicine. Then I had panic attacks. I would always exit classrooms during lessons because of my panic attacks. After everything I've been through, my life perception has totally changed. I know it doesn't seem like a big deal but my phycology went too far. For example, I didn't feel like the same person anymore. Even the thought of losing who I really am was too scary. Last summer break I  began to make changes, for instance, I changed my school. And I am still trying to hold on to life. I guess this is one of my breaking points.  But luckily my mainstay singing always helps me. The day that I find out that I can sing is another break point for me. 

    Melike Hatun BAYIR - TURKEY


    I don’t think I have many breaking points in life because I didn’t have drastic changes. But I have some memories. First one is I was in a MUN conference and a student was talking. He said that if you don’t try to change yourself in a good way you will always stay in the same place and I really thought about it. He was right and I really did feel like I needed to do something about my life as soon as possible. There is one other thing it’s about my piano experience. I sometimes don’t want to practice and don’t care about it. But these days I feel like I am doing something very wrong such as wasting my talent. I’ve been thinking about it since. I really need to get myself together and start practicing.

    Doğa Dolu- TURKEY


    I think I have some breaking points in my life.But I don't think they are so big.Anyway the one of them was 3 or 4 years ago when I started to reading world classics I'm still reading them and day by they I am getting diffrent point of views.Then for second;when I started to high school I had some decisions about my life becaouse I had to take more responsibilities about my life.And the last one for now The time when I went to Canada for summer camp I understood we are getting older and childs are getting us for as role model so we have to be careful about that and also in couple of years we have to decide for something that is very important for us,we have to improve ourself.

    Can Özensel-Turkey