
  • Emotions in music

    Kemal Monteno- Dušo moja
    The legendary singer Kemal Monteno sang the song Dušo moja. This is one of the most beautiful ballads and everyone is happy to listen to it after more than 14 years.
    It is too much to talk about the work of Kemal Monteno. He wrote and sang a large number of ballads, while some of them are forgotten, and some like the song Dušo moja, people gladly sing even today. 
    Love verses, which a loving young man sends to his girlfriend, follow a quiet and peaceful melody.

    The beginning of the song is about young man who has been sitting and waiting for a long time under the window of his dear, while it rains. He says that even if he goes, half of him will stay with her. Here is such a big emotion of suffering,beacuse as much as it hurts to be with the love of his life, that much hurts to go away from it. 
    As the song says, he is the one who loses even if he did not have anything before.

    For him, with her comes and with her goes 100 years in one day... He is looking for the light that he does not have.
    At the end of the song, we see that everything is his big dream because it is impossible that any of this happens.

    Last words are ,, I am the one who dreams, and that is why I am not going to wake you up''. He does not want his love to affect on her...



    This song (sadly not being one of their most pupular) is sang by seven young men from the country of South Korea. Most of the people now can see the news about their career and success.

    Speaking of this song - I must say that this is one of my favorites of all time (even though some would find it strange). Away from the fact that they're my favorite celebrities and that I listen to their songs on daily basis, I have chosen this particular one because it gives me chills each time I hear it.

    Since the very begining of it 'till the very end it speaks about difficulties of these seven guys that they had to go through to become who they are to this day. (Each member has its own purpose in the group and its role, which many people take for granted nowdays. They usually say that all of them look the same - let them be! Everyone has its own oppinion.)

    Now onto the best parts of the lyrics. Each rapper talks about his way to being a celebrity, about how it takes time, blood, sweat and tears to make your wishes cometrue. They say that the road/path is a risky but the very importand part of our lives. If we don't pursue our goals in life we might never get a chance to come back to that same road that leads us 'till its very end. They grew up listening and dancing to other artists' music and now THEY ARE MAKING THEIR OWN ! This song has made me overthink my wishes, plans, goals, daily activities and usual life's gratitudes.It can encourage a listener to chase his/her dream and to just let the road take him down its way.

    It is a slower paced song, mightly seen as a melancholic one (that's what their fans say). It relaxes and puts a smile on your face even though you are not a fan yourself.

    Here's some of the lyrics from the song translated to english: " Some say art is long,

                                                                                                Life is short

                                                                                                But now for me, art is life

                                                                                                Life is sports, just do it on " (RM)

                                                                                               " Would I have changed?                                                 
                                                                                                 If I had chosen a different path
                                                                                                 If I had stopped and looked back

                                                                    Oh hey ya, hey ya
                                                                                                 What will I get to see?
                                                                                               At the end of this road, where you would be standing

                                                                    Oh hey ya, hey ya " (Jungkook)

                                                                                                " I closed my eyes to the present that could not be altered
                                                                                                 Reality was different, even when my peers tried to keep me

                                                                                                  I walked the lightless tunnels on my own
                                                                                                  I thought I was alone but I’ve learned that we are seven.
    " (Suga)

                                                                                                 " Until then I combat the many pains and scars and prepare myself 
                                                                                                   I nurture my notion to bend rather than to break 
                                                                                                   and run for 3 years and ignite the stars in my heart
                                                                                          Now see me anew I carve ‘Bangtan’ into a blank page that means the whole world
                                                                                                     I walk towards my brighter future
                                                                                                     I put on a smile for the further days.
    " (J-hope)


                                                                                                                                                                                   Đurđa Mijajlović II-5