
  • In this video we asked some questions about our etwinning project and they answered us.


    For other students we made a board to introduce our project and we made a video while we are doing it.



    We created a facebook and instagram pages about our projects. You can visit our pages with these links:



    Also in our schools page we introduced our project.You can visit the page with this link:


    In the project we have received permission from our parents in order to share photographs and videos of us

    We made an e-book about our project you can read it with this link:




       Today we are living in big cities so we forgot the nature.With that we forgot the feeling of appreciation for nature.With this thought we decided to visit a farm . we spent our whole day in there and we saw the nature's beautiness. It gives us beautiful flowers trees and also it gives us milk, egg, meat.... After we understood that we should be appreciate for nature.

    Here you can watch our video!




     Every human learns something from another person. So we made an activity. Brotherhood and solidarity are our main emotions. By helping each other,we tried to develop each others skills in needlework.And we learnt needlecraft.

    Here you can watch our video! 



    Also We made a poster it about alice in the wonderland and our emoclass project here it is!