TURKEY -music expresses emotion


    could you share your favorite song name and explain why you like this song?


    As Turkey here are some of our answers:

    My favourite song can be changeful but from my best singer and pianoman Tom Odell-silhouette is my favourite now. Because in the beginning, it has a great ensturmental intro especially the violins harmonized sounds make me feel happy also the meaning is beautiful too.-Egem ÖZZENGİ


    Creep by Radiohead has always had a special this special part in me. It’s not like I’ve been discriminated, I just feel a certain degree of empathy for all kinds of people, so It’s the perfect song for me. Being able to understand at least a part of someone you’ll never going to meet is a verry different experience for me. -Irmak KÜÇÜKOBA





    Hi, my favorite song is Hero by Family of the Year and the reason is this song makes me feel so calm since the first time I've heard it. And it never gets old for me. I'm saying this cause I get bored from songs too easily. -Yaren AKDEMİR





    My favorite song is Medals by LuHan. I love this song because the song is really emotional and the music is beautiful. I love listening to it, it helps me to get through the stress of the day and I really enjoy it. -Doğa DOLU




    My favorite song is Dog Days Are Over from Florance + The Machine because Florence Welch, the lead singer of the band, has a incredibly strong timbre. -Mira METİN




    I like this song because the singer's voice makes me feel relaxed and I like the melancholy feeling it gives me while i listen to it. And lyrics are also very meaningful I like it :)) -Defne ÇELENK




    ‘Stay’ from Rihanna featuring Mikky Ekko is my favourite song because listening to slow music had always relaxed me. 

    Rihanna is my favourite modern-day singer so I think she used her voice best in this song and also when I first listened it, I understood that Mikky Ekko has also great voice as Rihanna even though I hadn’t heard his name before.

    -Gizem GÜMÜŞIŞIK




    "You Give Love A Bad Name" from Bon Jovi is a piece from my heart. It's literally a masterwork. Because I'm in love with the music of 80's I have lots of good music in my mind and heart but this one is special. Well, even if singers of that time fall in love too much, they were falling in love for real. Every song may be about a different love -or women :) - but I feel that they wrote those songs with their hearts. The feeling I get from this song is different. Similar to feelings I get from other rock love songs but different. It's melody and it's rhythm can take you anywhere. You can feel happy suddenly when you were depressed a minute ago. You can feel inspired when you're lack of angels. I write stories sometimes and this song is one of those songs that can help you with. I remember writing with this song after months of useless time. So I believe, it can also bring someone who is exhousted from life back to it. It can make you believe in everything again and again. Yes, you may get broken but you always know that music is there to listen you and to save you. Yes, music can listen you, too. You can always talk about your problems with it, it's a good listener. I'm someone who assigns different meanings to music. I can not just listen and pass a thing that I see as a lifesaver. So I choose my music carefully. "You Give Love A Bad Name" is an answer for the question why is music around for this long and how can it keep saving too many hearts.-Duygu Yağmur YAMAN




