The pros and cons of being a teenager

  • In this part, we talked about the difficulties of being a teenager but we also talked about how being a teenager can be fun sometimes

    Being a teenager is exciting because there are so many opportunities. There are so many things that you can do and then things that you can't do that you can still try to do. Also, there are many things that you have to look forward to. (Sipontina Rignanese - Italy)

    Being a teenager today is not as easy as it seems. Everyday we face decisions that can affect our future. Sometimes we are driven by our emotions and the pressure to be accepted, but it is extremely important to realize that decision we make reflect our values and the things that are important to us. (Bianca Placentino  Italy)

    Being a teenager puts a lot of stress on a young mind. We are pressured to make decisions that will impact our entire life, such as our career and education - we should not be tied down to decisions we make now but free to express our interests in several areas of expertise. (Libera Armillotta - Italy)

    We are told we are almost adults now and that we have to act like one. However  being a teenager is a delicate age. When I go out I do try to be confident in speaking to people but it’s hard to find the balance between confident and not coming across as a cocky teen. We’re denied opportunities based on our age. We’re not seen as individuals however as a collective group of “teens”. It's tough and frustrating being a teen today and there’s a lot of generalisation that makes it hard to be yourself. (Giorgia Gravinese - Italy)

    I think that with all of the teenage angst, acne and frustration, we often forget that being a teenager is great. It is a beautiful period of our lives, when we begin to blossom as people and really find our sense of self in a society. As teenagers we take risks, try out new things that might not be the best decisions and begin to talk back to our parents, but besides all of the drawbacks that come with adolescence, there are lots of bright reasons of being a teenager. (Roberta Lapomarda - Italy)


    Being a teenager is actually very difficult. Because when our bodies changing, it affects our mental health too so we are more able to make mistakes. But the good part about this that we have an opportunity to learn from our mistakes. And we may not feel like it right now, but actually we are more free than adults. Yes, we have responsibilities but they are not like the adults have and they are not that much. So we have more time to figure out about ourselves and explore life. (Doğa Zerman-Turkish Student)


    Being a teeanger can be hard or easy .It changes for example in exam weeks its hard I am feeling like a businesswoman because everything gets complicated except these times As a teeanager I am learning new things about life.Now I am inexperienced but as time goes by I will learn the things which I need in my life.These learning step is a con for me because sometimes it can be upsetting or stressful.But people are around me helped me these hard times so this is(having good friends,family etc…) a pro for me . But I think this lerning process in our lives sometimes turns into a really funny and passionate situation .And I believe that these situations are the best times of our teenager ages. (Egem ÖZZENGİ -Turkish Student)


    Being a teenager can be so difficult  sometimes. There’s so much pressure on you like what are you going to with your exams, what are you going to do with your parents, what are you going to do with your life. People are asking these questions again and again but they never realize that we have no idea at all. We are just trying to survive. There are so many expectations like what school that we are going to get in or which job that we are going to do to the rest of our lives. The problem is we don’t have the answers. We are too young and there are so many things that we couldn’t find an opportunity to do. We are learning and we are growing up but we are still confused. So, being teenager would be much more easier if everyone would stop for a moment and try to understand for a while. But I can’t say that there are no good parts of being a teenager. We are living our best times of our lives. We don’t have to think about money or bills. These are the times that we are going to enjoy life the most.  (Mira METIN – Turkish Student)



    We all know that, the best and at the same time the worst moments of our lives are when we’re a teenage. We always complain about our ‘strict’ parents who never understand us, as they also do that for us, their ‘rebellious’ kids. We have arguments with them, sometimes we wonder how can’t they show empathy ,although they were also a teenage. And in this point, our friends help us. Because we are at the same age, we have the same problems so we can understand each other. We go some places to relax, we enjoy same things and we love spending time together. It’s nice for to move away from our daily routines and stress. So, I believe being a teenager can be really good and bad, but we should try to enjoy life as much as we can do. Gizem GÜMÜŞIŞIK – Turkish Student


    The hardest part of being a teenager is probably the realization phase. Some of us get depressed when we find the truth about every day life out and some of us are already mature enough to face them. Yes, it is difficult to find a job to fit in and being extremely emotional doesn’t help, but i still don’t think that being confused about our future life is the worst part. Questioning the existence and learning about the ways of science. Philosophy, eternity and beyond is much scarier. People who is certain and confident impresses us more and because of that, we admire people easily. That’s exactly why bad habits occure. But we’re young after all, and that’s the best part of being a teen. It is possible to have a cheerful aura like a teen, but what differs a vivacious person and a teenager is that, our personality begins to form up and we discover a long path of life. ( Irmak KÜÇÜKOBA-Turkish Student )

    It’s easy to talk about cons of being a teenager I think. Like, the first hing came in to my mind is that teenagers live their emotions really strong I think the biggest example is me. I know it’s not right but I get angry too easily. For me it’s really hard to you know calm back. second thing I can say is that we have to do what our parents say. They want the good for us but still it can be annoying sometimes. When I think about pros I think being young is the best one. But another con about it we are young but we don’t earn money so we can’t live our youth like we want. So being teenager is worse than being older. Yaren Akdemir-Turkey


    The hardest part of being a teenager is probably intense feelings that we feel. With time we learn and face some facts. We see that things are not like they used to be when we were child. We start to take responsibility for our actions and decisions. People ask too many questions about what we plan for our future through the fact that we have a hard time deciding what to wear. But I like being a teenager because I have the opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them. To be honest I don’t want to grow up and become an adult. Because these are the most precious times of my life. I’m creating beautiful memories for my future. I love being a teenager even it’s really hard sometimes. Melisa Tozun – Turkey


    I think the hardest part about being a teenager is living your emotions at high stake and trying to figure out the life. These stuff has always been hard for me. It always affects my life and to be honest I am not very liking the situation. One other thing is that sometimes my parents don’t believe me about some stuff and this makes me really sad. For the good things is that you are experiencing a new era of life and in a very strange way. When it is good it makes you happy and full of life. You can learn so many things at the same time as well. I really love that. To be honest I really don’t like being a teenager but sometimes it’s fun and I enjoy it very much. (Doğa Dolu-Turkey)


    I guess the hardest part of being a teenager is the hormones. You are changing physically and spiritually, and you think you are the only person who lived this. You can’t control your emotions, you have no personality. But the best part of being a teenager is to discover yourself, to live the most beautiful moments of your life. Young, -even with your acnes- beautiful, free.  As a result, you are a human, age isn’t important. Meryem Açelya Kasapoğlu-Turkey


    Being teenager is the most colorful period of life, I think. Even if we are faced with times when we can not control our behavior, it does not diminish the value of our youth. Most of the time teenagers want to grow up quickly, -this is a wrong choice-, they do not know when they are old, they may want to return their youth. For this reason, we should know -as teenagers- the value of this times, we should not waste our time. (SERRA AKKAYA -Turkey)


    Like everything else, being a teenager can be really tough. But we can’t deny, it has good and easy sides too. For example, many of us don’t like to go school because of sometimes it can be very boring or stressful. But we are in the safe zone at these time. When we become adults there will be no one who is responsible to protect us. On the other hand we only responsible for homework, exams, and projects. When we graduated from school, we will literally have too many responsibilities. However, (if we don’t think about to be safe) some of us are not fully free. We have to let our parents know what they’re going/doing or sometimes some of us have even get permission for it. For grown-ups, it’s not an obligation. These are basic examples of both sides of to being a teenager. But according to grown-ups, the best years of their life, are years that they spent when they’re a student. For me, they should be right even we are going through such big problems; these years are the part of our lives that we find who we really are. (Melike Hatun Bayır – Turkey)



    In my opinion being teenager is one of the most important part of life.You have to get more responsibilities and your emotions getting intense.But also it is the funniest years of your life.You are half adult and child.So you can do a lot of things.We shoul never forget that we won’t able to be again teenager so lets try to be optimistic and have fun.(Can Ozensel-Turkey)



    As a teenager, people are allowed to do things they can never do when they are a child, or an adult. Even though it sounds great, actually everything is not what it seems. Because teenagers’ moods can change eventually, and with peer pressure; life seems harder to them. Also, gossip, drama, and bullying might affect them in a bad way and make them get into endless depression. But, despite all these things, being a teenager is great. I’m telling it, because I am a teenager too. Being a teenager is great, because we don’t have responsibilities that much, we are young, you make the best memories at high school and have amazing time. I think, although I struggle with a lot of issues; being a teenager is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. (Zeynep İsmihan Avşar – Turkey)


    Well here’s the deal about being a teenager, it is the worst yet the best times of your life. You’re not as underestimated as when you were a child as responsible as an adult . The worst thing about being a teenager is probably how your body changes , it was quite frightening for lots of us. How our body shape changes, how our voice gets weird… And honestly our feelings takes a big part in our lives. As teenagers, we understand who we truly are and make friends who will be with us though thick and thin. I honestly think, being a teenager is amazing. It may seem hard for now, but it is nothing compared to the adulthood. So we should enjoy our life and live the dream. Defne Çelenk- Turkey)


    Being a teenager can be hard because it’s extremely stressful and you have so much responsibilities that you sometimes don’t even have any free time to hang out with your friends. On the other side, sometimes it can be very fun because you are not a child anymore, so you are a little more independent than you used to be. As a person who doesn’t like to be dependent on things, this is one of the greatest things about being a teenager. No matter what, teenage years are the most important time of our lives in which our personalities start to shape, so we should take it seriously and try to improve ourselves when we have the opportunity. (Damla Altunyurt- Turkey)



    Being a teenager can be hard and fun. But actually it is more fun.It is the times that you can do many things with your closest friends of all times (according by the studies we have our closest friends when we are teenagers.) However there are hard times too which is mostly about school and other exams that you should be prepared for the further phases of your life. Especially the thoughts of growing up scares me sometimes.It is just like when you become an adult and not be a teenager anymore you have more responsibilities than you have already had and you have lived probably 1/4 of your life and you come to the end day by day:(. What’s more is that your body, voice and behaviours change at the beginning of those ages and some people don’t like themselves for a while and can’t get on well with other people around them which can cause problems. Anyway, I like being a teenager and I am trying to spend this whole life experience and teenage experience in the best way that I can. (Pınar Yakıcı-Turkey)



    Being a teenager-I think it can be confusing a lot. I think that’s the age, when you mostly follow your heart and emotions, but you don’t really know what to do and how to live right. I want to pay attention to everything, but that’s impossible. What is good? I think, that you’re open a lot, and you can be enthusiastic about a few things, that you’re interested in. (Anna Máté- Hungary)