Inside out and Alice in Wonderland

  • After reading "Alice in Wonderland" students watched the film, they made two posters of it and wrote about its meaning and what emotion every character rapresented.

    Another film students watched with the teacher of Italian, was "Inside out". I asked them to write a report of it in English.

    For our interdisciplinary project about “Emotions” with our Italian teacher Giovanna Prencipe,we saw a cartoon created by Walt Disney and Pixar Animation Studios in 2015. It is a 3D film and it focuses on emotions. The film narrates about a girl who has just moved in a new city with her beautiful family. Disney and Pixar bring us into our brain, where emotions control us. It’s a creative and fantasy way to interpret how emotions work on us and how much they are important in our lives. After leaving so many problems in the girl's head, Joy and Sadness leave accidentally the headquarters and there remain just three emotions: Disgust, Fear and Anger. They try to make their child happy, but with bad results. Without Joy and Sadness the other emotions destroy all the best part of their child, she is losing her love for her friends, her parents, her favorite sport … and she is changing, she is becoming a girl without any good emotions and her headquarters is devoid of any colours. Meanwhile Joy and Sadness try to return to headquarters, they know themselves and finally find a way to come back and work together, because Joy understands that Sadness completes her. When they arrive, Sadness is the emotion that saves the soul of the girl. Sadness prompts her to confide to her parents all her problems and she cries, cries a lot, to be, after all, happy as before.

    This film wants to teach us the importance of emotions. They define our behaviour, the person that we are, with our strengths and weakness. We can’t live with just one emotion, we can’t always be happy or sad or angry … because every emotion has to interweave with other emotions.

    Now, we know that emotions are mental and physiological states of being, but I think Disney and Pixar have find the right way to draw them. During the film I saw how situations can change us and our relation with the emotions, sometimes it happens something bad and we try to not feel emotions anymore. I think it isn’t good for us, because emotions colour our lives and I think a colourful life it’s better than a grey one. We have to decide and to understand emotions aren’t our enemies, but if we control them, they could be the perfect allies to make us better people. ( Francesca Prencipe - Italy)



    Riley, an eleven years old girl, has always lived happily guided by her emotions: Joy, Disgust, Fear, Anger and Sadness.

    Joy, in the film, is the main emotion, because it’s the one that is somehow recognized as a leader, and without her the other characters feel lost, they do not know what to do and how to handle the situations. We can say that each of us has a prevalent emotion, it is wonderful to notice it in the film. The dominant emotion of Riley's father's personality, for example, is Anger, while his mother's is Sadness.But when she and her family move to another city, the situation doesn’t seem to be so stable either for her and her emotions. The peculiarity of this film is that you can enter the mind of a person who is experiencing the most complex period of life :adolescence or rather preadolescence. Before moving Riley’s emotions are purely positive.The thing will break the certainties of Joy will be the presence of Sadness. It looks as if Sadness did everything to be seen but Joy, relegates her to the borders of action and sees her  only as a mood breaker.So much  that Joy, at first, does not understand what the usefulness of the presence of Sadness in Riley's psyche is. However it’s normal that Sadness begins to appear in Riley’s life because she is growing up. But the existence of suffering has an important purpose in the human being, and it is only by integrating it that people grow. In fact in the film Sadness is the real engine that pushes Riley and her parents to change. Every emotion has its function in everyone’s life. The advice I see in this emotional film is: embrace and experience every emotion, accept them, whether beautiful or ugly, only in this way we can really open ourselves to the world. (Giorgio Sorace - Italy)



    The Riley's Mind Control Center, an 11-year-old girl, is located in the Headquarters, where five Emotions are at work, led by the nice and optimistic Joy, whose mission is to ensure Riley's happiness. Other Emotions include Fear that gives the girl the necessary security, Anger that ensures a sense of fairness and justice and Disgust that prevents Riley from poisoning both physically and socially. Sadness does not know well what its role is as it is not clear even to others. When Riley moves with her family to a new metropolis, Emotions inside her immediately get to work. However, Joy and Sadness are relegated to a remote corner of her mind, leaving room for Fear, Anger and DisgustJoy and Sadness venture into unknown places including Long-Term Memory, Immagilandia, Abstract Thinking and Cine-production, in a desperate attempt to return to Headquarters and Riley. But to make Inside Out one of the greatest masterpieces of the animation of all time is not just the strength of the subject. The real secret of the success of Inside Out, what has allowed him to get straight to the heart of the audience, is his ability to contact to each of us, allowing us to recognize in the exultation and torment of little Riley the same joys and the same suffering that we all felt during our childhood. (Russo Ilenya - Italy)




    This film tells about a story of a young girl called Riley.
    Riley is uprooted from her life in the Midwest when her dad gets a job in San Fransisco.She needs her emotions to guide her through her new school, new people and new life. But,an accident involving Riley’s happy memories changes her entire outlook. Joy and Sadness need to find her memories and return them from the Headquarters before it's too late. The moral of this film is that everything can change in our life and we can always find a solution to our problems. I like this film so much because it is so funny,realistic and it teaches to appreciate the true values of life.
    It teaches that we should always love our parents because they love inconditionally us and they never abandon us. I think we should take life easily and smile every day of our life. (Angelica Valentino - Italy)




    In the Pixar film ‘’Inside out’’ the life of younger Riley is governed from five emotions: Joy, sadness, fear, disgust and anger that alternating themselves in her head they build the Rations. The principal protagonist is Riley a little girl on 11 years ols. Every emotions has assignment, except for sadness. Every time that an emotion acts a memory is born. Five base memory of Riley are all happy and they feed the five islands of the personality: Family ,honesty, stupidity, friendship,and hokey. Riley’s family by moving San Francisco for work purposes,  accidentally will became a very problem for the girl and her emotions. After different adventures in her head by joy and sadness will turn out the very part of sadness in Riley’s life and in our lives.
    The scene that made me think more about this film was,when sadness wanted to tell that in a basic memory before it became happy she consoled Riley and raised her mood at that moment joy interruptet her…this makes me understand as people, we are superficial and we stop at appearances, infact joy understands later that sadness is essential for Riley and that in life everything can’t be happy, but that bad times are inevitable for our growth.
    Emotions are important experiences to be known rather than avoided, changed or surpressed. They can be pleasant or unpleasant, but in any case they give meaning and value to life. It is therefore necessary to be able to welcome every emotion, whether beautiful or ugly, to reach a balance and for the healthy social-emotional development of the individual; an important meaning to be passed on to children, parents, teachers and those involved in the devolpment and education of children. (Martina Zerulo - Italy)




    Riley Andersen was born in Minnesota and within her mind, five personification of her basic emotions- Joy (Gioia), Sadness (Tristezza), Fear (Paura), Disgust(Disgusto), and Anger (Rabbia)- gradually come to life and influence her actions via a console in her mind’s Headquarters.

     “Inside out” explains how the emotions can affect our lives, in positive and negative ways. In fact, Joy always tries her best to make Riley happy even though she is quite egocentric and impulsive, enough to make the situation worse instead of improving it sometimes, while Fear keeps Riley away from the dangers, Disgust takes care that Riley is not physically and socially poisoned and Anger who prevents Riley from being injured, and Sadness…well, she just makes her sad, but she is very important too because she is necessary for the formation of happiness itself.

    I think it is a really cute and interesting movie because it tries to tell a psychological story to an audience of children, but doing it in a funny way and respecting their intelligence and it make us know, in a hilarious and fetched way, how our emotions work and how they change in the different periods of our existence and how they help us in the different situations of our lives. I really liked watching this movie and I liked the fact that there was no antagonist. I could watch it over and over again until I get bored (I will never get bored of this movie, though) and I would suggest this movie to everyone because I think it is really educational, even if they don’t really like cartoons or Disney movies. (Francesca Gentile - Italy)


    "For our etwinning project emoclass we watched the inside out movie. That movie was amazing with its characters and its so meaningful.First of all it is about a girl called Riley. Riley was moved another city and her feelings started to change.By the time another characters are her feelings in her brain! Sadness, joy ,anger,disgust... All of them takes the control if its necessary and Riley feels that emotion at that time but as we said her feelings started to change.When she wanted to be happy she couldnt because her happiness and sadness accidentally stuck another part of her brain while joy was trying teach to be happy to sadness. While they in another part disgust ,fear and anger took the controll instead of joy thats why her feelings started to change. Riley’s old imaginary friend helped to joy and sadness and they came back to their places then everything started to be as it should be . And joy understood that sadness is a part of us and we cant change person for our requests by the time Riley become a teenager and everything finishes happily . For me this movie was so funny and beneficial. Giving a character to our emotions is a good idea with that I started to imagine them properly and in a funny way. Also I want to thank my teacher for her reccommend about this beautiful movie I learned too many things especially from the joy."

    Egem Özzengi - Turkish student


    There are emotions in people's head, emoitons have emotions in their head... This movie -made by Pixar- summarized people with 5 emotions but with 5 emotions describe them very succesfull. In the movie it is possible to smile or find little detail even in the most absurd place. Sometimes you hate Joy, sometimes you miss your tears. Your anger is scared ... Inside out, huh?

    Meryem Açelya Kasapoğlu- Turkish student


    "Inside Out’s main characters are Riley Anderson, an 11-year-old, and the emotions inside her head, Joy, Anger, Sadness, Disgust and Fear. The film is about Riley’s life and how her ‘’emotions’’ affect her decisions, her behaviour, and even her whole life. Inside Riley’s mind, there is a control panel and the personated emotions take over the panel when Riley needs them. Emotions have been with Riley in the ‘’Headquarters’’ (that’s the place where the control panel and core memories are located in) since she was born. We can say that Joy is the most dominant emotion, because all of Riley’s core memories are happy moments, and Joy always has things under her control, so there’s a perfect system in which Riley is never depressed and always a positive person. This ‘’system’’ is great, until Sadness and Joy accidentally get lost inside Riley’s subconscious and can’t go back to Headquarters. Things go out of control without them, so Joy and Sadness try to go back to the Headquarters. Joy thought that Sadness was not good for Riley and she always tried to keep her away from the control panel when they were back in Headquarters, but on their way back to Headquarters, she realises that Sadness has a major role in Riley’s life and when they finally get back to the Headquarters, she lets Sadness take over the control panel and all emotions start living in unison. What I’ve learnt from the film was that sadness, even though we all say it’s something negative, is an essential feeling and we should not suppress our sadness, we should let ourselves be sad when we need to be sad, because not being able to feel anything, becoming emotionless is an horrible thing. We should embrace our feelings and never try to suppress them."

    Damla Altunyurt- Turkish student


    "For me, the movie "inside out" had a very good concept to show us our emotions in a funny way. I can say that one of the very first things i learned from it is, the things we experience in our daily lives can be very influential that they can change our emotions and behaviours completely."

    Onur Ballı - Turkish student


    "Inside Out is an animation made by Pixar. It’s about a girl’s (Riley’s) emotions. In the movie, we can see the effects of emotions to our behaviours. For example, when she gets mad, anger makes her scream and argue with her parents. Then her emotions make her want to go back her old house. As always, an intelligent story has written, even though it’s for childeren; I think it should be watched by adults too."

    İsmihan Avşar - Turkish student


    This movie, Inside Out, is about a young girl and her life. Her family moved their house to another city. In there, Riley is the 'new girl'. Emotions: joy, sadness, disgust, anger, and fear leads Riley in her mind. This unique expression of the movie gave me a different perspective. For me, this is the best way of this movie.

    -Melike Hatun Bayır / TURKEY


    "While watching this film, you can be aware of how important emotions are in our lives. I understood that, sometimes situations can change and it can totally affect our point of view. Riley used her emotions as a guide during the film and I really enjoyed it."

    Gizem Gümüşışık - Turkish student