

    Västra Stenhagenskolan

    At our school all classes chose one student to represent the class in the student council. 1st to 3rd grade have two representatives. The student body council has meeting once a month. A teacher, Johanna Sterner, and our vice principal, Erica de Korostienski, are the adults who help out and manage the meetings. However, a 9th grader is the chair man of the council. 

    All representatives present what has been discussed with their class during “class meetings”, which they have every week. If the class has something they want to take up with he council the representative makes notes and brings it with him/her to the next council. Students can influence school rules and regulations, arrange extra curricular activities and are responsible for the working environment for the students.

    Every semester this group leads a project where all the students in every class gets a map over the school which they are asked to make notes on regarding feeling safe or unsafe in the schoo buidling and outdoors in the school yardl. This is done to prevent bullying and spot places where the school might need more adults during breaks. 

    The student council also arranges different special activity days to enhance school spirit. It can, for example, be a football tournament with mixed teams.

    This is a group picture of our council 2017/2018 (some students are missing though):