Our project

  • About project


    Our world is not given to us… So, we have to preserve it and, if possible, make it even better. How? By keeping our obligations to it and enjoying the rights we have been given!

    This project intends to engage young pupils from different countries to a campaign for each one’s rights and obligations to our world through some significant International, European or National Days during the school year.



    Working on this multidisciplinary project we expect our pupils to be able to:

    • get to know the basic rights they have as kids, pupils and people, in general

    • conform to the obligations of their microcosm and the society

    • get to know significant  International, European or National Days

    • spread significant societal messages

    • sensitize their friends, their parents, their family and  people about rights, obligations and societal messages

    • collaborate with pupils from different countries and different cultures, learn to work otherwise

    • develop a sense of solidarity, teamwork and cooperation, take initiatives and create original material, based on the lessons of the classroom.

    • realise that they can create great work if negotiating and collaborating, even through disagreements and protests

    • produce real work

    • express themselves in different than the usual (oral and written) ways.

    • validate Moral and civic education,  ICT, coding, visual art, oral and written  skills



    Work process


    Teachers chose some of the most significant International, European or National Days and organised collaborative activities or happenings to make all pupils celebrating and spreading each Day’s message.

    21/9 - International day of Peace,

    26/9 - European Day of Languages,

    6/10-World smile day,

    16/10 - World Food Day,

    9/11 - French No harassment day,

    20/11 - International Day of the Rights of the Child,

    17/11 to 3/12- Festival of Solidarity/International Solidarity Week ,

    3/12 - International Day of Disability,  

    21/1 - Hug day and School’s Rights and obligations,  

    11/2 - European day of 112,   

    6/3 - Greek Day against school violence and bullying,

    21/3 - International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination,  

    22/4 - Earthday,   

    9/5 - Europe day / Etwinning day,  

    5/6 - World Environment Day

    Pupils’ collaborative activities : wordcloud, posters, maps, videos, songs, poems, stories, drawings, videoconferences, recipes, challenge, code …



    Expected results


    By celebrating one or two Days per month we want to sensitize our pupils about the rights and duties we have to keep for our world’s shake. We also would like them to progress in the oral and written language, amplified curiosity concerning relationships and working in collaboration, better one self-respect and a behavior more asserted in front of the group, civic and public-spirited behavior in choices to be made in the name of the group, for the project in its entirety and for our world.

    For us, as teachers, we will exchange teaching practices, ICT tools, new human and professional discoveries and meetings. For parents and the community, this project will show our schools as Etwinning schools : open minded pupils involved in collaborative european projects.

    Our final product will be a public Twinspace and a digital exhibition of all our actions and happenings created during the whole scholastic year.

    Our project will be evaluated by teachers, students and parents.