9:30 - 10:30 Opening ceremony

    10:30 - 12: 45 Sightseeing in České Budějovice 

    12:45 - 13:30 Lunch in Metropol

    13:30 - 14:30 Christmas - transcultural competences

    14:30 - 16:30 Presentations check with teachers

    16:30 - 17:00 International Human Rights Day - workshop

    The opening ceremony of the 3rd Short Term Training Event took part in Metropol building and it was opened by a Czech teacher Daniela Pokorná, who welcomed all teachers and students involved in VET4SCAPE project and also guests. There were also speeches of Michael Huber-Kirchberger, the project manager, the headmistress of Business Academy in České Budějovice Lenka Kubátová and the executive director of Junior Achievement Czech Republic - Martin Smrž. The school choir prepared for all a nice cultural programme - the students´anthemn and typical Czech national folklore songs.

    After the opening ceremony and lunch all the students and teachers had the sightseeing in the historical town České Budějovice and students og Business Academy in ČB were in the role of guides.


    Afternoon for students started with ice braking activities and a great and interesting workshop led by the Czech teachers Daniela Pokorná and Pavla Boxanová about Christmas, where students streghthened their knowledge and information about Christmas and Christmas traditions in all 7 partner countries. Students were singing Christmas carols and talking about Christmas traditions in their countries. Students have learnt a lot and were having a great fun in group activities. Other  teachers were having the first teachers´ meeting. Later on students were training for their presentations for 2nd working day with economy and English teachers.

    10 December is dedicated to the interantional Human Rights Day and that was the reason to have the workshop on this topic. Students were listening to the address of  António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres - Secretary-General of the United Nations. They were working in groups on different task aimed at human rights and have learnt the anthem created especiall for this event:

    /tune of Auld Lang Syne/
    If peace was here for all the time
    In one hand with pure love.
    Then people would be satisfied,
    And no more would they fight.
    No war, no discrimination
    No crime, no hate, no lie.
    We´ll  take a cup of kindness yet.
    For eternal peace and love.