• November activities: ice-breaking

    1. introduce yourself - PAGE 1

    2. get to know your partners - PAGE 2

    3. decide together on our group's netiquette - PAGE 3

    Deadline: November 28th

    December activities: identifying together the issue at hand.

    1. Discuss the learning process thanks to our Christmas calendar - PAGE 4

    2. Design a short collaborative survey (and collect answers during the Xmas holidays) - PAGE 5

    Deadline: December 12th

    January - February activities:

    1. team up into 12 international teams - PAGE 6

    2. discuss the results of your survey, identify the major issues and suggest solutions; create an infographic to recap - PAGE 7

    3. vote for the best infographic - SUB-PAGE 7: "infographic selection"

    Deadline: February 15th

    Some inspiration: 13 study tips (video 1) How to study better  + visual thinking (video 2)  8 psychological study tips (video 3)


    March - April activities:

    In international teams, create some learning activities, materials and tutorials for your peers - PAGE 8

    Deadline: April 30th

    May activities:

    1. join all the pieces together to create one digital learning platform for your peers to use - PAGE 9

    2. assess the outcome of the project - the content created - PAGE 10

    3. assess the project & your involvement - PAGE 11

    Deadline and end of the project: May 31st