• Hi everybody! Welcome to your European digital classroom: Twinspace!

    Here you will be working together and collaborating closely throughout the school year.

    With this first activity, you will have a chance to meet your project partners and get to know them better.

    So, here are your first tasks - good luck!

    1. Fill in your profile: choose a photo  and tell your partners who you are and what is special about you - you can write 100 words only, make the most of it! How? Click on your name at the top, then "edit twinspace profile".

    2. Browse the profiles of your partners to learn about them. You can get in touch by writing a wall post. How? go to the tab "members".

    3. Introduce yourself as a learner.

    a) Take photos of anything related to your studying habits and what learning means to you and make a collage. Possible tool: http://pizap.com/


    Post your collage on the dotstorming wall.

    b) Comment on the collages of your partners underneath their posts: what kind of learners do you think they are? Would they fit any of the categories in the table below? Why did they choose these photos in your opinion? What does learning mean for them? Can you relate / identify? Why (not)?

    Late night crammer Ask Google learner Confident learner Scribble learner
    Procrastinator Graphic /Visual learner Independent learner Multisensory learner
    Systematic learner Motivated learner Unmotivated Absent-minded learner
    Always-bored learner Dunno-how learner Note-rewriting learner Teach learner


    c) Answer any comments left on your post.

    d) Vote for the collage you can most relate to.