Workshops and Prep Tasks

  • Prep Task for Welsh Student Meeting:

    • Look at Literature/news/travel adverts/ films where each nation is depicted.
    • Are there stereotypes? How is each country portrayed?
    • Did we have our misconceptions before meeting each other? If so what were they and how have they changed?
    • How has the project dispelled other stereotypes?
    • Create a POWERPOINT in National groups to discuss this at the workshop week.
    • Download a FREE exercise app (7 minute workout) and test it out. Write your comments on how easy/difficult/useful etc it is on Twinspace
    • Download a FREE Mindfulness app ( The Mindfulness App). Test it out and again write your comments on its effectiveness on Twinspace. Comment on how you find meditation in general?+



    Workshop Information:


    Group 1: The great EU cook off!

    • Students must research traditional national dishes with nutritional information i.e. how much salt/fat is contained in that dish
    • Research traditional cooking methods. Perhaps have a go at making a recipe at home (relatives can help). Post pictures to Twinspace.
    • Create an ingredients list for your recipes.
    • Create a 3 course meal (Starter, Main and Dessert) that shows national identity of all 3 participating countries.
    • Think about fusion cooking….Should you combine ingredients to make 3 new dishes or should each country pick either starter, main or dessert.
    • You must consider presentation too.
    • You will collate all of your recipes in our own EU cookbook. Keep everything to hand.


    Group 2: Mental Health and Well-being:

    1. Research various methods of relaxation from Mindfulness colouring books to yoga, meditation and breathing exercises. Is mental health and well-being even important? Should we focus purely on the visible conditions?
    2. Research among peers / online the times in a year that students are reaching their highest levels of stress.
    3. Are we creating an overly stressful world? Are school environments causing more mental health illnesses and disorders.
    4. Create a “ how to” guide for relaxation for students specifically. This can be done as a poster/leaflet or as a youtube video guide/blog video.


    Group 3 Physical Fitness:


    • Research various methods of keeping physically fit and healthy. Look at whether HIIT  workouts and circuit training activities are better than long distance jogging for example.
    • Why might team sports/self-defense activities be just as good for you if not better in terms of physical fitness?
    • Research various FREE apps that give exercise routines and look at how they are structured
    • Are warms ups and cool downs important?
    • How important is stretching?
    • Create a short video for a FULL BODY WORKOUT, demonstrating good form in each exercise. Your video must be 5 -10 mins long, but you need to explain if they should be doing more reps/round overall.


    Group 4: Advertising & Media Affecting Health:

    • Research various methods of advertising in each country (Radio/TV/ Posters/Billboards etc)
    • Which country advertises fast food more? Why might this be the case?
    • Compare healthy adverts for fitness and clean eating. What is the difference between them? Is it just the quantity?
    • Is advertising different and how?
    • Which country is healthier and why?
    • Create an advert for a bus shelter. Promote healthy lifestyles incorporating the best elements form the research in all 3 countries.


    Group 5 Celebrating diversity and difference:

    • Research how each country is represented in the media (Some of this is also part of your prep task) Look at things like physical representation in terms of body image and models in the media. Look at tourism sites in terms of the wording used to describe each country and the images used.
    • Why are we represented in this way? What do you think needs to change? Have we stereotyped?
    • Look at the physical portrayal of beauty in each country. Is what is seen as beautiful in one country the same in the other nations?
    • Should we all be different? Should difference be celebrated? Why/why not?
    • Create an art installation representing “what makes us who we are as a collective team”. Look at us as physical beings but also what we represent as a group, how we define differene, how we define beauty. This can be a mixed media installation. (Photography/Paint/Fabrics etc)