BG/BRG Klosterneuburg

  • BG/BRG Klosterneuburg is a secondary school in Klosterneuburg in Eastern Austria. It is located on the outskirts of Vienna and Vienna can be reached by public transport within 15 minutes. Our school has about 1300 students, aged 10-19,  and 120 teachers.

    Our school is divided into two sections, years 1-4 and years 5-8, the latter preparing for the final exams in year 8. Passing the final exams entitles students to apply for university.

    We offer a great variety of subjects and students can focus on science or on languages in their final years. Every student has to take English as a first foreign language and can then choose Latin or French as a second foreign language. It is possible to add Spanish as a second (science branch) or third foreign language. Besides, students can select Russian among other selectives in upper secondary education.

    BG Klosterneuburg is a school which offers a bilingual programme from the very start. Students can apply for a bilingual class when they sign up for our school. In these classes subjects such as Maths, Biology, History, PE or Geography are taught in English, too.

    Additionally, we have an International School in our school building which prepares for the IB (International Baccalaureate). It starts in year 5 and students can apply for this special class. Most likely the Austrian students have been students in the bilingual programme in years 1 to 4.

    In addition to the mandatory curriculum, BG Klosterneuburg offers a wide variety of additional courses and clubs which students can select, e.g. Drama, band, musical plays or laboratory work in science.

    Furthermore, students get the chance to participate in sports and language competitions outside their classrooms.

    In their free periods or during lunch, students also like to use the library. The younger ones like to play in the gym which is possible because PE teachers offer ball games during the 10-minute breaks.