International Team 38 : Birkenhead/Oviedo

  • Thanks for your football games. Here are odd numbers catching games. We have put up everybody's game too. I hope you like them as much as we liked making them! Thanks for working with us.


    Made with Padlet

    Hello  again Birkenhead friends!

    We have managed to solve your challenge.

    Some of our teams did an excellent job, but others :(

    At least they've tried ;)

    We have uploaded all the projects because students love to see their work here.

    Hecho con Padlet


    Hello  Birkenhead friends!


    We have a challenge for you: You must create a numbers catch game where you only catch odd numbers.

    Good luck!



    Oviedo-Spain is ready to start the third challenge, but first let's know each other writing on this Padlet something about you and Scratch.

    Hecho con Padlet