International Team 15 : Sisteron (France)/Vinchiaturo (ITALIE)

  • 1 Hi! I'm Mélanie! I don't have my own class but I can manage to carry out this third challenge with a class. I taught "Scratch" with some of them. Are you ready to create a game with your pupils and French ones? Do you have ideas?

    2. Hi Mélanie! I'm Luisa. I have two classes (2nd and 5th primary). They will work together. I still have no idea about the third challenge because we are still working at the second. I think we will be ready for it in 15-20 days (10th of March).

    3. Hi Luisa! I found a class. The teacher is Christophe Chapuis. We will work with 9 pupils who are 7 years old. They already worked on Scratch. We propose you to create a labyrinth. We could start the game and your class (backgorund, lutin, movement, condition) and you could continue it  (add a score for example) and/or create a new level.

    What do you think of this proposition?

    4. Hello Melanie, I'm happy to hear from you. My students are 7 and 10 years old. We agree about your idea. A labirinth could be a nice challenge. We wait for you to get started with the background and so on. Anyway I propose to have an online meeting with our students to decide together some things, such as the characters, the theme ...( maybe an animal who has to catch a prey, or a person who has to bring something to a friend...or anything else...). I think our students can decide something together and then you get started the work and we can continue. Finally each of our student can play the game and we can write the score... Then we can publish the three best scores of each team and see who is the winner... It would be funny!

    Let me know if you agree...

    5. Yes, very good idea. I embed a padlet to post the games! I will work with pupils this Wednesday morning!

    6. I hope you can manage to open the files and work on them. If not, I will record the files on line. Pupils are looking forward to playing to the games!! Here is the link of a Google Sheet so that pupils can write their scores for the different games. You can choose a color and add your pupils :

    Hi Melanie. I opened the files and watched the nice game you created... I also added my students' names to the google docs page. We will work on the games on the next tuesdays but I don't know if we'll finish by the end of this month.


    Fait avec Padlet


    Hi Melanie, 
    yesterday (march 29th) my students worked on the labirinths you sent us. They added points and time, but I think we could still add a second level. Anyway they are ready to be played. I will send them to you as soon as possible.


    Hi italian pupils!

    Your pictures are great! Could you post the game with "game 1", "game 2", until "game 5" so that's easier to fill in our "score sheet".

    I hope you enjoyed the challenge. French pupils are looking forward to playing to the games. Thanks for your work!



    Hello dear French friends,

    these are the games that my students made.  Please read the instructions before playing. I hope they will work. 

    The game 1 is easier, the game 5 is more difficult. I hope you like them.

    Bye Luisa

    Hello Melanie, 
    tomorrow (May 2nd) my students will start playing with the labirinths that we created. Did you start too?
    Made with Padlet