Students' survey & Results


    Instructions for students


     Take some time to answer the following questionnaire.

              SurveyMonkeyStudents' web survey Medieval Towns

    Hope you have enjoyed this beautiful project!!


    Deadline for Survey participation


    Friday 13th May




    After getting all answers to the satisfaction survey from students, here you go the results:

    As you can see in the charts not all the students participated in the survey, but there are answers from students from all the participating schools (Q1). Most of students in Italy, Spain and Greece have participated. The low number of students in Portugal that have answered the survey is due to the fact that most of them are already in their internships and they're not at school,

    For 99% of the students the project has been either really or quite interesting (Q2). There's been only one sudent that considers the project hasn't been as interesting as expected.

    About the project goals they think they have reached(Q3), 72% of the students consider they have learned to use collaborative tools. Second goal is improving their competence in foreing language with a 62% of votes. Either learning about medieval towns or getting to know other schools share a 50% . The goal that least students consider to have reached is learning to appreciate and preserve historical heritage. Maybe that final consideration is because of the need to shorten our project in their final steps, that forced us to limit time for this last part of task 3.1 in order to find some time for task 3.2 (Postcard Exchange) which, by the way, was the favourite task for most students(Q4) .

    Among students, there are two favourite tasks (Q4) which were Task3.2 (exchanging postcards)  and Task3.1 (learning about medieval heritage). Students and teachers agree on their opinion about their favourite task.

    When asked about their intention of participating in future eTwinning projects (Q5), most of students show their willingness but 1 student who doubts about it. Maybe the same student that have shown  the project wasn't as interesting as he or she had expected.