Logo proposals




    Upload your proposals to the TwinBoard.

     Click on Add Item under the title Logo Proposals

    Select Image. This will open the TwinSpace folder for Materials. You will be able to upload your images there and then you can select the images by clicking on them.

    Give a Title to your logo and include the author's name and school in the Description box, as in the example.

    Finally, click on the Save button.


    Deadline for Contributions


    Friday 18th February


  • Logo Proposals

    Stones speak of our history

    Author: Joaquina Enríquez - EOI Ourense

    Medieval Trip around Europe

    Author: Lorena González - EOI Ourense

    Medieval European Town

    Author: Yuker Barros - E.B.A Portugal

    Greek logo
    As Burgas Ourense.

    Carlos M.
    EOI Ourense.

    Medieval European Countries

    Authors Beatrice and Samuele
    Liceo Banzi Italy