
  • Welcome !

    Twinspace privacy

    Our TwinSpace will be available for all eTwinning members. We will include as well a task and timing summary with a collection of screenshots.

    Icon  by Patricia Conde

    Our project aims students from Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain to collect and share information about tangible and intangible medieval heritage in their cities and countries, and to discuss about the best ways of preserving historical identity. 

    We expect our project to help our students to:

    • raise cultural awareness and respect to diversity as well as acceptance of different opinions from peers
    • learn to appreciate and preserve historical identity
    • improve their foreign language skills
    • develop or improve key skills such as communication, organisation and teamwork
    • learn to use ICT collaborative tools

    In Spain the project was developed inside the Proxecta+ initiative

    All contents on this project are under Common Creative License: