TASK 2 City Landmarks


    City landmarks



    Coordinator: Liceo Banzi Bazoli [Lecce] - Italy



    Students will prepare a presentation with their favourite places in their town or surroundings.

    After all presentations have been submitted, students from a different country will vote for the nicest place in each town.


    Tools & Apps


    Canva, Genially, Youtube video... - Students' will choose the app they will use to create their presentations with their teachers' help.

    Mentimeter or Twinspace Poll - Students from a different country will vote for the nicest place their partners have described.


    Task Timing


    28th February - 18th March

    Deadline for contributions: Friday 11th March

    Voting week:  Mon 14th - Fri 18th March




    • To be able to communicate in a foreign language.

    • To be able to use ICT collaborative tools

    • To learn in cooperation with peers.

    To develop or improve key skills such as computer/IT skills and teamwork.




    Students' comments on the TwinSpace discussion forum for the task will do as assessment. They will comment on what they have learned and the places they have known after watching their partners' presentations.