Digital Safety & Netiquette

  • Digital Safety & Netiquette 



    Coordinator: EOI de Ourense - Spain


    Students will learn abut Digital Safety and Netiquette.

    They will share tips on how to protect Personal Information when using online apps or Social Media.

    They will also discuss about netiquette and Social Networks .


    Tools & Apps


    Padlet - A board for students to share tips on digital safety.

    TwinSpace forum - Discussion on how to use Social Media and netiquette.


    Task Timing


    7th February - 4th March

    Deadline for contributions: Friday 4th March




    • To learn about basic Internet safety, netiquette and copyright.
    • To be able to use ICT collaborative tools
    • To develop or improve key skills such as computer/IT skills and communication




    Each teacher will check their own students participation and contributions.