The nicest place




    Students and teachers will watch their partners' presentations about their favourite places and landmarks in their countries.

    After that, they will write a comment on the TwinSpace Fora choosing the nicest place in each country, from the places that have been presented.


    Tools & Apps


    TwinSpace Fora - There will be a forum for each country.


    Time for Contributions


    from Monday 14th to Friday 25th March

    The initial period of 1 week has been extended to 2 weeks,

    overlapping beginning of Task 3.




    After sharing opinions in the fora students have chosen the following places as the nicest places among all beautiful landmarks their peers have presented:

    The Nicest place in Portugal, according to students from Greece, Spain and Italy, is the Botanical Garden. 57% of students who have participated in the Forum chose this place as the most beautiful.

    The Nicest place in Italy, according to students from Greece, Spain and Portugal, is the Bauxite Cava. 28% of students' comments in the Forum chose this place as the most beautiful. Second place with 22% of votes is La Poesia, Roca.

    The Nicest place in Spain , according to students from Greece, Italy and Portugal, is Rivadabia. 33% of students who have participated in the Forum chose this town as the most beautiful.


    The Nicest place in Greece, according to students from Spain, Italy and Portugal, is the Panellinio Luxury Hotel. It was chosen by 45% of students who have participated in the Forum.

  • Access to Forum

    Nicest place in PORTUGAL
    Nicest place in ITALY
    Nicest place in SPAIN
    Nicest place in GREECE