Carob Institute and Alan Marsh


    La première mobilité de notre projet Erasmus se déroule du 5 au 9 juillet à Malte. Le cours structuré est intitulé ‘Teaching English  Creatively et s'adresse aux professeurs d’anglais. L’intervenant est M. Alan Marsh, professeur et formateur international, président de l’Association des Professeurs d’Anglais de Malte. Cette formation, organisée par Carob Institute, nous permet d'enrichir nos connaissances sur des pratiques innovantes telles que le story telling, l’apprentissage coopératif ou le TPR (réponse physique totale). Ces mobilités nous permettent également d’élargir la gamme des outils internet que l’on peut utiliser en cours, contribuant ainsi à la motivation des élèves.


    Carob Institute - Empowering Teachers
    Gertraud Lehr
    Steuerweg 14
    35708 Haiger

    0049 171 4657634
    PIC ​928419496

    Teaching English Creatively

    Making learning meaningful, motivating and memorable.

    The seminars and workshops consist of three main areas:


    • Practising and extending participants’ own English language skills through participation in communicative, interactive language activities. 
    • Highly practical, engaging and memorable techniques to use with teaching English. Techniques focus on developing learners’ listening, reading and speaking skills and on enjoyable and memorable ways of approaching grammar and vocabulary. Participants will learn a lot about how to teach English as a foreign language in a Primary School as well as in the first years of a Secondary School. The courses contain a great deal of advice for teaching motivating, communicative and student-centred lessons.
    • Preparing for CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning. 
    • These components will include lots of opportunities to talk in English and share ideas with other participants from all over Europe.


      The course leader:
      Mr. Alan Marsh, is an international Tutor on Cambridge ESOL CELTA and DELTA teacher trainer and development courses.  He has trained and helped develop teachers from all five continents, and regularly assesses Cambridge CELTA teacher training schemes held by prestigious teaching institutions in various countries. He has worked extensively in Italy and Malta in leading EFL language organisations and is an experienced teacher of children, teachers and adults in both monolingual and multilingual contexts. He is the President of the Malta Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, and is a regular speaker at conferences, seminars and workshops. 
      He is British and is based in Malta.