
    Students and teachers read aloud tales on the 23rd of April. One tale will be selected by a writer from the school area/ region, and will be translated into English. This one will be shared with the rest of schools and so each school will receive a popular tale from the different countries, but translated into English, so that they can be read aloud and understood. Some copies of the recompilation of tales will be kept in the school library.

    ITALYThe Mistery of Palazzo Donna Anna

    Reading of the tales

    POLAND - Photos 

    The Legend of Three Brothers https://youtu.be/1c4Ov5WEIbM


    Latvian tale about the Rose of Turaida!

    Latvia (partners tales reading)


    Spanish Tale 

    Spanish Reading of all the Tales:


    FRANCE - Photos and Gaetan's drawing - English lesson

    FRANCE - The Fairies by Charles Perrault

    Students reading