16.1. Teacher Certificates

  • Certificates given to teachers by our founders

    Gülşah AYDEMİR/ Karafatma Primary School/Erzurum/TURKEY

    I'm happy to be on this project, but it's about to end. I hope to see you again on another project.

    Lucia Cozzo - I.C.S. La Giustiniana, Roma, Italy

    This beautiful project has now come to an end. I thank Harun and Rita and all the other teachers in the group for working so well together.

    Anna Teresa Fiori - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma, Italy

    I am happy to have met colleagues with whom it was easy and enriching to work together. Thanks Rita and Harun for putting together such a close-knit team!

    Rita Bottari - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma

    thanks to my partner co-founder of the project Harun Özdoğan. It was nice to work together

    Cristina Petrelli - I.C.S. La Giustiniana, Roma, Italy

    Thank you to our project founders Rita and Harun.

    Menekşe Tunç Cengiz Topel Primary School MERSİN/TURKEY

    We are all a very good team, our project is about to end, I hope we will meet again in different projects

    Harun ÖZDOĞAN/Mezra primary school /KAHRAMANMARAŞ

    Many thanks to my co-founder Rita and my other project colleagues. It was a great project. I hope we can work again

    Onur ÇETİNEL Gazi Primary School Pazarcık/KAHRAMANMARAŞ/TURKEY

    Thank you to our project founders Rita, Harun and other project partners. I am very happy to be a part of this project. Hope to see everyone at the future projects.

    Angela Gavriș-Șc. Gim. Gherta Mica-Satu Mare-Romania
    Pınar Burcu ALTUN/Şehit Salih Keskin Primary School ORDU TURKEY

    I am happy to be in this project. Now our project is over. We have become a nice team. I wish to work in other projects.

    Lavinia Agretto - Primary school - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma

    Thank you all for this amazing project. Special thanks to Rita and Harun.


    I am happy to be in this project.

    Anna Delle Monache - ICS La Giustiniana, Roma, Italy

    It has been a real pleasure to work with all of you on this beautiful project.

    Gökhan TECİR / Şehit Mehmet Erdoğan İlkokulu Kayseri-Turkey

    It's an honor to join this project. Many thanks to the project founders.

    Funda KURNAZ Akıncılar Fatih Primary School Konya/TURKEY

    Thank you very much to all of you guys. We were a great team and did a great job. See you in other projects, bye

    Chiara Bagli - I.C.S. La Giustiniana - Roma - Italy

    Thanks everyone! I learned new about the fantastic world of bees better.

    Kardelen Doğan / Karagöl Primary School / Pazarcık , Kahramanmaraş

    I am very happy to be part of this project and have my first experiences with this team. Thanks to my colleagues. Special thanks to Harun and Rita teachers.