6.1 Logo survey

  • Grades by students

    Anna Teresa Fiori - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma, Italy
    Menekşe TUNÇ Cengiz Topel Primary scahool MERSİN /TURKEY

    Logo survey

    Gülşah AYDEMİR/ Karafatma Primary School/Erzurum/TURKEY

    My students voted for the logo.

    Harun ÖZDOĞAN/Mezra ilkokulu /KAHRAMANMARAŞ

    We voted for our logo poll

    Kardelen Dogan / Karagöl İlkokulu / Pazarcık,Kahramanmaraş

    we voted for the logo

    Pınar Burcu ALTUN/Şehit Salih Keskin Primary School ORDU TURKEY

    My students voted for the logo.

    Lucia Cozzo - Ics La Giustiniana - Roma, Italy
    Gülşah AYDEMİR/ Karafatma Primary School/Erzurum/TURKEY

    My students voted for the logo and poster.

    Lavinia Agretto - Primary school - Ics la Giustiniana - Rome

    Voting for the logos class 4C

    Rita Bottari - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma

    vote for the logo - 1A class

    Onur ÇETİNEL Gazi Primary School Pazarcık/KAHRAMANMARAŞ/TURKEY

    1/D Class voted for the logo of our project.