10.5 Painting activity

  • Painting activity

    Anna Teresa Fiori - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma, Italy

    Let's draw page 6 for the painting and creating together activity.

    Lavinia Agretto - Primary school - class 4C - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma

    Colouring together page 13 of our poster!

    Funda KURNAZ

    Colouring together page 9 of our poster :)
    Akıncılar Fatih Primary School

    Lucia Cozzo - ics La Giustiniana - Roma Italia

    Colouring page 14 of our poster together!

    Rita Bottari - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma

    Painting activity 1A

    Gülşah AYDEMİR/ Karafatma Primary School/Erzurum/TURKEY

    We painted for our joint product. We contributed to our puzzle by painting image number 11.

    Gülşah AYDEMİR/ Karafatma Primary School/Erzurum/TURKEY

    Painting activity 4-A
    We contributed to our puzzle by painting image number 11.

    Angela Gavriș Școala Gimnazială Gherța Mică Romania


    Menekşe Tunç Cengiz Topel Primary School MERSİN/TURKEY

    We made the 15th page of our joint product puzzle

    Menekşe Tunç Cengiz Topel Primary School Mersin TURKEY

    We made the 15th page of our joint product puzzle


    Page number 7 for co-painting and co-creation activity.

    Harun ÖZDOĞAN/Mezra primary school /KAHRAMANMARAŞ

    Painting activity.

    Harun ÖZDOĞAN/Mezra primary school /KAHRAMANMARAŞ

    Painting activity.

    Gülşah AYDEMİR/ Karafatma Primary School/Erzurum/TURKEY

    11th part of my students has been completed

    Gülşah AYDEMİR/ Karafatma Primary School/Erzurum/TURKEY

    Painting activity

    Pınar Burcu ALTUN/Şehit Salih Keskin Primary School ORDU TURKEY

    We did the painting activity on the 17th page with my students.

    Pınar Burcu ALTUN/Şehit Salih Keskin Primary School ORDU TURKEY

    17th page of our joint common activity.

    Kardelen Doğan / Karagöl Primary School / Pazarcık , Kahramanmaraş

    Colouring together !

    Harun ÖZDOĞAN /Mezra Primary School KAHRAMANMARAŞ,

    Painting activity.

    Gökhan TECİR / Şehit Mehmet Erdoğan İlkokulu Kayseri-Turkey

    Painting Activity

  • The final version of our picture