2.1 Teachers

  • Let's introduce ourselves

    Anna Teresa Fiori - I. C. S. La Giustiniana - Roma, Italy

    Hello there!
    I'm a teacher, I'm from Rome, Italy. Interests? Traveling, painting, cooking, taking pictures, gardening, reading books and comics...
    I love cats.
    I have been teaching for a quarter of a century, I love my job very much, I believe that new technologies are fundamental and I love these projects that give my students a great enrichment.
    I hate crowds, noise, organized trips, I can't stand false, hypocritical, opportunistic, inconclusive people.
    I like simple food, intelligent companies, weekends in places out of the hustle and bustle of tourism from Sunday.
    I firmly believe in friendship, I give my all when friends ask, I do not like to impose myself, I can listen, I can keep quiet, I can talk, if necessary.
    I live a good life, without waste and rich and alive, there are many things and some good ones.

    Rita Bottari - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma

    Hi everyone, I am a primary school teacher.
    I have been living in Rome for about 10 years but I was born in Sicily. From my region of origin I keep the love for food and the sea. I like music and playing guitar.
    I like to teach and integrate my knowledge with new technologies. I love biology and everything that belongs to nature. I am always ready for new initiatives that enrich in knowledge and values.

    Lucia Cozzo - I.C.S. La Giustiniana, Roma, Italy

    I am a support teacher at the I.C.S. La Giustiniana of Rome.
    I strongly believe in new technologies, and in the laboratory and design activities that eTwinning colleagues propose. We learn many things from the comparison with others. Thanks.


    Hello there. I am Gülşah Aydemir.
    I was born in 1990. I am a 7-year classroom teacher. I was born and raised in Erzurum and I work here. I am very interested in technology and music. I like the innovations.

    Pınar Burcu ALTUN/ Kabataş,Ordu,TURKEY/ Şehit Salih Keskin İlkokulu

    Hello, I'm a preschool teacher at Ordu / Kabataş Şehit Salih Keskin Primary School. I live in Turkey. I was born in Ordu in 1996. I graduated from Balıkesir Necatibey Education Faculty Preschool Education Department in 2018. As a teacher, I think it is necessary to have innovative thinking in education as much as other branches. I am happy to learn, improve myself and take part in projects. I love to cooperate and share. I am happy to be involved in this project. I think it will give me and my students a good experience.

    Funda KURNAZ Akıncılar Fatih Primary School

    Hello there. I'm Funda KURNAZ. I am working as a school principal in a primary school in Altınekin, Konya. I have been a teacher for 15 years. I love learning new things.

    Harun ÖZDOĞAN /Mezra Primary School/ Mezere Village, Pazarcık, KAHRAMANMARAŞ, TURKEY

    I was born in 1987 in Adana/TURKEY . I graduated from the university in 2010, from the Department of Primary Education. I'm in my 10th year in the teaching profession. I am currently studying at 3 universities. I have a special interest in sports, I love doing sports. I want to improve myself by participating in project studies, to be more successful in my profession and to explain the importance of opening to the world to my students.


    Hello, I live in Istanbul. However, I was born in Ağrı. I also settled in Istanbul after 5 years of residence in Edirne.

    Onur ÇETİNEL / Gazi Primary School / Pazarcık/KAHRAMANMARAŞ/TURKEY

    Hello my name is Onur ÇETİNEL. I was born in 1984 at Adana/TURKEY. I graduated Çukurova University Primary School Teaching department in 2007. I have been to USA with several exchange programs such as Work&Travel, H2B(Temporary Worker Visa) almost 2 years. I have been working as a primary school teacher since 2012. I would like to improve my skills and also with that I want to change my students visions. This Project will be a good experience for me and my students.

    Gökhan TECİR / Şehit Mehmet Erdoğan İlkokulu Kayseri-Türkiye

    Hello, my name is Gökhan Tecir. I was born in 1984 in Kayseri. I am a classroom teacher for 14 years. I am someone who believes in the importance of self-improvement and always going further. For this reason, I aim to improve both myself and my students.

    Gavriș Angela-PIPP-Șc Gim Gherta-Mica, SM, România

    My name is Angela. I have been working in education for 23 years. I have been an educator for 20 years at Gherţa-Mică Secondary School, Satu Mare, Romania. I work with a mixed group, with children of 3, 4, 5, 6 years old, hardworking children, smart, good and eager to know and be known by other children.

    Kardelen Doğan |Karagöl Primary School - Pazarcık / Kahramanmaraş

    Hello , I am Kardelen . I am from İzmir but recently I have been working as an English Teacher in a Karagöl Primary School for three months . I was born in 1997. My interests are travelling , meeting new people , going somewhere new ... I am also interested in learning new things because If I learn something I can teach them also too my students .

    Menekşe Tunç -Cengiz Topel Primary School MERSİN-AKDENİZ

    Menekşe Tunç
    Hello.I am Menekşe Tunç.I was born in 1986.I am a 5 year old clsssroom teacher.My teacher of 10 years.I levent to Explore children natürel. I live in Mersin

    Lavinia Agretto - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma

    I was born in Rome, a beautiful city, but which in recent years has become not very liveable due to traffic. I have two beautiful 10-year-old twins: Ilenia and Elisa. With them it is difficult not to be always on the move, but they are my reason for living! For some years I worked in kindergarten with small children, then I felt the need to change in order to somehow contribute something of my own to the growth of the new generations ... in which I still believe so much. I like TV series and I like to read. My biggest passions are food and cats, which I love with all of myself. In another life I must have been a cat! Soon I'll give myself one! I am loyal and sincere, but if someone betrays my trust, they leave my life.

    Cristina Petrelli - I.C.S. La Giustiniana, Roma, Italy

    My name is Cristina and I am a primary school teacher. I wanted to participate in this project to enrich my knowledge and consequently those of my students. We have to go beyond our borders and open our arms to the world.