9.5 The story about bees

  • In-class story activity

    Harun ÖZDOĞAN/Mezra primary school /KAHRAMANMARAŞ

    We did our story event.

    Angela Gavriș Școala Gimnazială Gherța Mică Romania

    the story goes on...


    Er created olur story in cooperation

    Funda KURNAZ

    The story about bees :)
    Akıncılar Fatih Primary School

    Anna Teresa Fiori - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma, Italy
    Gülşah AYDEMİR/ Karafatma Primary School/Erzurum/TURKEY

    students wrote. As a result, we combined and blended it and completed the 12th page that falls to us with the whole class.

    Lavinia Agretto Primary school - ICS La Giustiniana - Italy

    Class 4C

    Lucia Cozzo - ics La Giustiniana - Roma, Italy

    Class 4 B

    Cristina Petrelli - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma Italia
    Pınar Burcu ALTUN/Şehit Salih Keskin Primary School ORDU TURKEY

    My students made pictures about the story and explained what could happen in the continuation. I completed the story with the article.
    We ended the story by completing pages 17 and 18.

    Menekşe Tunç Cengiz Topel Primary School MERSİN/TURKEY

    We illustrated the story completion activity with pictures and made it

    Gülşah AYDEMİR/ Karafatma Primary School/Erzurum/TURKEY

    Working story book

    Rita Bottari - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma

    I bambini della 1^A iniziano a scrivere la storia

    Onur ÇETİNEL Gazi Primary School Pazarcık/KAHRAMANMARAŞ/TURKEY

    1/D Class write their story.

    Pınar Burcu ALTUN/Şehit Salih Keskin Primary School ORDU TURKEY

    We chose one of the e-book covers we created in our class by voting. We presented the selected e-book cover to the questionnaire.(Preschool)

    Pınar Burcu ALTUN/Şehit Salih Keskin Primary School ORDU TURKEY

    Pictures my students made for our book cover(Preschool)

    Gülşah AYDEMİR/ Karafatma Primary School/Erzurum/TURKEY
    Gülşah AYDEMİR/ Karafatma Primary School/Erzurum/TURKEY

    Pictures my students made for our book cover (4A Class)

    Anna Teresa Fiori - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma, Italy

    E-book cover: we design the cover for the story of the bee Lilly

    Gülşah AYDEMİR/ Karafatma Primary School/Erzurum/TURKEY

    We have achieved a lot of gains. It was a great activity for literacy, comprehension, speaking and listening skills

    Gökhan TECİR / Şehit Mehmet Erdoğan İlkokulu Kayseri-Turkey
    The story about bees

    Anna Delle Monache e Chiara Bagli