Portugal- Integration to the Curriculum

  • Activities Outcomes

    .Students should be able to present themselves in a simple way and meet other people;

    . Communication in foreign languages;

    . develop digital skills 

    Saying Hello

    .Students should know how to give simple greetings

    .Communication in foreign languages;

    New year cards

    .Students must be able to speak about countries and nationalities;

    . develop digital skills;

    . Communication in foreign languages;

    Emojis with masks

    .Students must develop their motor skills

    Esafety Day events

    . develop digital skills

    . Communication in foreign languages;

    Project Rules

    .Students must be able to recognize project instructions

    .Communication in foreign languages;

    Coronavirus Poster

    . develop digital skills

    . Communication in foreign languages;

    What is nature

    . Learn more about nature and animals;

    . develop digital skills;

    .Communication in foreign languages.

    Project Logo letters

    .Students should  able to recognize the alphabet.

    . develop digital skills

    . Communication in foreign languages;


    . Students must identify plants and animals;

    .Students should be able to recognize nature;

    . develop digital skills 

    Let nature talk with us

    . Talk about nature;

    . develop digital skills;

    .Communication in foreign languages.

    Project poster

    . develop digital skills

    .Communication in foreign languages;

    Big tree with our footprint . Communication in foreign languages;
    Carbon footprint ebook

    .students should learn more about the carbon footprint;

    . Communication in foreign languages;

    Art at home

    .Students should do different activities with their familie

    .Communication in foreign languages;

    Family reading time and commom story ebook

    . students should read books with their families; 

    . Communication in foreign languages;

    Plant a tree

    .Students must recognize the importance of plants to the planet;

    . Communication in foreign languages;

    Happy etwinning day

    . develop digital skills

    . Communication in foreign languages;

    Project Flore map . Communication in foreign languages;
    Project song

    .Students must develop artistic competence;

    .Communication in foreign languages.


    . Students must recognize the importance of plants and animals to the planet;

    .develop digital skills;

    .Communication in foreign languages.