Being a european citizen in 2021

  • What does "citizenship" mean for you?

    European values

    What are the european values? Do you feel attached to them?


    For me citizenship means love for next, justice and values.


    In my opinion it means inclusion, home and a place where no one is left behind. Sara Muzi

    Following certain values

    Citizenship means to fulfill your duties like voting, but at the same time having a community and having a feeling of belonging somewhere (feeling home).
    --- Malve JEROMA


    In my opinion, citizenship means to be good with the habitants of a place, help them and love them. It also is to be in a place where you fill comfortable in.
    Alonso de Diego Miguel.

    Rights and Responsibilities

    Citizenship is more than a legal status because it’s based on shared values, a sense of belonging to a community and commitment to its development. I believe it’s easier to understand its true meaning if we look back at the time when nations were led by dictators: in a totalitarian regime people’s opinion had no importance and they couldn’t express themselves freely. But above all, there was no political participation and subjects had to endure decisions taken by others. Today we have the right and responsibility to make concrete changes in our community because citizens are the foundation of a true democracy but in order to shape their society they must first feel like an essential part of it.

    Gurjit Kaur

  • Elections and political engagement: are the elections still a good way to make your voice heard in 2021?
    Yes: argue in the discussion!
    7 votes (70.00%)
    No: argue in the discussion!
    0 votes (0%)
    I don't know: convince me!
    3 votes (30.00%)
  • Food for thoughts!

    1. The legal definition of EU citizenship
    3. Fundamental rights
    4. Living, working, travelling in the EU