Climate Arena Sinsheim (link)
Workshop Climate Circle
In the "Circle Training Climate" ( everything revolved around processes that influence the climate. The pupils learned practically at various experimental stations how these processes influence the climate on earth and are also influenced by climate change themselves. In the exibition, digital technologies enabled new, comprehensive knowledge transfer on the topic of climate protection and sustainability.
Ocean currents - The heat pump of the climate
Depending on the region, there are great differences in temperature on our earth. At the equator, for example, it gets very hot and at the poles it stays icy all year round. These temperature differences cause movements in the air and in the oceans. In this experiment you can find how this movements occur in the ocean currents.
When the earth reflects: When the sun shines, the sun rays warm the earth. the strength of this warming depends mainly on the type of surface.
Greenhouse effect: The main cause of climate change is the anthropogenic greenhaus effect. This is caused by the increased emissions of carbon dioxide. You can find out what effect the CO2 has at this station.
Exibition Climate Arena
In the exibition, digital technologies enabled new, comprehensive knowledge transfer on the topic of climate protection and sustainability.
Burg Steinsberg tour (wikipedia link)