Correlation tables

  •  We compared the carbon footprint of our team with the footprint of the country and the European Union.

    Bulgarian team - great, you have 0.13 less than your country.

    Greek team - you have 1.39 more than your country. Reduction options need to be found.

    Slovak team - you have 1.24 more than your country. Reduction options need to be found.

    Croatian team - you have 5.73 more than your country. Reduction options need to be found. Is there an error in your data?

    Team Portugal - you have 1.56 more than your country. But you have the same as the European Union. 

    Congratulations on being the lowest value of all the teams.

    Congratulation! Lithuanian team, you are great! You have 0.09 less than your country and 1.35 less than the European Union