A team of 4th grade students from the Primary School in Lukovit Bulgaria discussed and analyzed the criterion "Problem with stray animals". The students compared percentages, debated and looked for solutions on how to prevent environmental problems in their hometown.
The data from the survey of students from the Primary School in Lukovit, Bulgaria in connection with the topic "Environmental issues" introduced by the RIVERS project under the Erasmus + program are another proof that the problem of stray animals stems from the irresponsibility of pet owners and cats. According to the survey data, it seems that Lukovit is the city with the largest number of stray animals on the streets. 41% of the respondents answered that they very often come across dangerous stray animals.23% of the answers show that there is a problem in the city, but it is within normal limits and is under control. At the same time, 36% of respondents said that there are no stray and dangerous animals in their neighborhood. In all likelihood, the large percentage comes from the East neighborhood, where the number of dogs is really large and the population of stray animals is a consequence of the irresponsible way of keeping pets and the low culture of their owners. We can also say that Karpenisi in Greece also reports a significant percentage of 72% presence of street animals, but with them the situation in the city is under control. The city of Pedrucos Portugal is of the same opinion with 69%. The survey reports that the safest place is Horna Zhdanya in Slovakia. For 35% of the respondents in the city there are no stray animals and the city is a safe place in terms of this criteria.
According to the team that analyzes the results in the Bulgarian school, the measures that must be taken to eliminate the source of street animals are simple - mass castration of stray and domestic animals, strict control over the owners, a ban on breeding outside licensed farms and trade in pets of unknown origin
Big cities are a center of attraction for animals, as they offer the necessary living environment, but they are not the source of the problem. In most large district centers, dogs and cats are kept mainly in apartments, and this greatly reduces the risk of unwanted insemination and subsequent abandonment of the young. There the owners are also more educated and financially secure, there is also the main percentage of neutered animals. On the other hand, four out of five dogs are kept in houses with yards in suburbs or small settlements. Their owners do not have the necessary resources and knowledge to provide adequate care, and the number of neutered animals is very low. This is a consequence of the irresponsible way of raising pets in smaller settlements and the low culture of their owners. In the case of street animals, the case is complex and complicated. Animals have no guilt. We humans are the ones who need to realize and solve this problem. Here are some simple things we can do, but in order to do so, the law and municipal authorities must give them the opportunity - easier and faster creation of private shelters, even certain incentives for people who want to do so, a policy of open doors to castration campaigns with donation money, etc. for them.