
    Czech fairy tail about herbs: Krtek and Matircaria Chamomilla

    Slovak fairy tail about herbs:

    Meduskina fragrant pharmacy" is part of the book     "Meduskin cupcake of fairy tales and poems"  author Elena Čepčeková.


    “There is a plant for every disease in the world.”
    The words of Uncle Kosobrin from the legendary Slovenian film about the young hero Kekec are more  than true. The stories about young boy kekec are alweys about friendship. Kekec finds a medicine for a blind girl Mojca, he protects an old man Kosobrin who lives in mountains (Alps) and his herbs..

    "High up in an alpine valley, there's an almost fairytale-like village.  And up there in the mountains live two men very much different from one another.  There's the good man Kosobrin, an herbalist and there's an evil hunter by the name of Bedanec. "
     https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2comhz (